†superfamily Poriticae Gray 1842 (stony coral)

Anthozoa - Scleractinia

Parent taxon: Fungiina according to J. W. Wells 1956

Sister taxa: Acrosmiliidae, Agariciicae, Andemantastraeidae, Astraeomorphidae, Astraraeidae, Dermosmiliidae, Felixaraeidae, Fungiacyathidae, Fungiicae, Funginellidae, Haplaraeidae, Kobyastraeidae, Microbaciidae, Pachyphyllidae, Procyclolitidae, Rhipidastraeidae, Siderastreidae, Synastraeidae

Subtaxa: Actinacididae Poritidae

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Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal microcarnivore-photosymbiotic


• Quaternary of Antigua and Barbuda (1 collection), Australia (61), the Bahamas (19), Barbados (27), Belize (6), Brazil (3), Cape Verde (3), Cayman Islands (43), China (2), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (3), Colombia (26), Cook Islands (9), Costa Rica (38), the Dominican Republic (10), Egypt (55), Eritrea (4), Fiji (2), French Polynesia (42), Guadeloupe (3), Guam (2), Haiti (6), India (6), Indonesia (15), Iran (1), Israel (1), Jamaica (11), Japan (68), Jordan (1), Kenya (34), Kiribati (1), Madagascar (1), Malaysia (1), Maldives (7), the Marshall Islands (1), Mauritius (5), Mayotte (1), Mexico (37), the Netherlands Antilles (16), New Caledonia (17), New Zealand (2), Northern Mariana Islands (1), Pakistan (2), Palau (3), Panama (36), Papua New Guinea (22), the Philippines (7), Pitcairn (3), Saint Kitts and Nevis (1), Samoa (2), Saudi Arabia (20), the Seychelles (9), Somalia (2), Sri Lanka (1), Sudan (1), Taiwan (2), Thailand (1), Tuvalu (1), United States (32: Florida, Hawaii), Vanuatu (11), Virgin Islands (4)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of the Bahamas (1), China (1), Costa Rica (9), Egypt (1), Indonesia (10), Jamaica (1), the Philippines (1), Saudi Arabia (1), United States (1: Florida), United States Minor Outlying Islands (2)

• Pliocene of the Bahamas (10), Costa Rica (26), the Dominican Republic (23), Egypt (1), French Polynesia (1), Haiti (3), Indonesia (26), Jamaica (2), Japan (3), Malaysia (1), the Marshall Islands (1), Mexico (1), the Netherlands Antilles (14), Papua New Guinea (1), Portugal (1), Taiwan (1), United States (7: California, Florida, Hawaii)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Aruba (1), Chile (1), the Dominican Republic (6), Indonesia (3), Malaysia (2), the Netherlands Antilles (2), United States (1: Puerto Rico)

• Miocene of Algeria (16), Anguilla (8), Austria (22), the Bahamas (4), Bulgaria (1), Colombia (20), Cuba (5), Cyprus (4), the Dominican Republic (40), Egypt (10), Fiji (9), France (23), Germany (2), Greece (9), Haiti (1), Hungary (4), Indonesia (34), Iran (16), Israel (2), Italy (22), Jamaica (1), Japan (2), Libya (2), Madagascar (1), Malaysia (1), Malta (5), the Marshall Islands (7), Mexico (5), Morocco (13), the Netherlands Antilles (1), New Zealand (2), Pakistan (1), Panama (31), Papua New Guinea (4), Poland (5), Portugal (4), Puerto Rico (2), Romania (3), Saudi Arabia (4), Slovakia (1), Somalia (9), Spain (28), Sri Lanka (1), Sudan (1), Tanzania (1), Trinidad and Tobago (10), Turkey (7), Ukraine (2), United States (3: Florida), United States Minor Outlying Islands (2), Venezuela (2)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Somalia (1), United States (2: Florida)

• Oligocene of Antigua and Barbuda (14), China (1), Cuba (1), the Dominican Republic (2), France (4), Greece (5), Haiti (1), Hungary (2), India (1), Indonesia (1), Iran (3), Italy (57), Jamaica (2), Libya (2), Malta (7), Mexico (6), Puerto Rico (6), Saudi Arabia (1), Slovenia (5), Somalia (7), Spain (5), Turkey (5), United States (3: Florida, Georgia, Texas), Venezuela (4)

• Eocene to Oligocene of Greece (1)

• Eocene of Austria (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Colombia (1), Croatia (2), Cuba (1), the Czech Republic (1), Egypt (1), France (2), Germany (2), Hungary (6), Indonesia (1), Italy (14), Jamaica (6), Japan (1), Mexico (6), Morocco (2), North Atlantic (1), Pakistan (2), Panama (3), Papua New Guinea (1), Peru (1), Romania (1), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (3), Spain (12), Ukraine (1), United States (3: Alabama, California)

• Paleocene to Eocene of Slovakia (2)

• Paleocene of Austria (1), China (1), Croatia (1), France (1), Iran (2), Italy (2), Pakistan (3), Puerto Rico (1), the Russian Federation (1), Slovakia (18), Slovenia (14), Somalia (1), Spain (3), Turkey (3), Ukraine (1), United States (1: Alabama)

• Cretaceous of Austria (6), Bulgaria (6), Croatia (1), Cuba (2), the Czech Republic (1), Georgia (1), Germany (1), Iran (2), Italy (1), Jamaica (23), Japan (1), Madagascar (1), Mexico (5), the Netherlands (4), Oman (5), Pakistan (4), Poland (2), Portugal (1), Serbia and Montenegro (2), Slovakia (2), Slovenia (3), Spain (5), Switzerland (1), Tunisia (1), Turkmenistan (1), Ukraine (2), the United Arab Emirates (4), United States (5: Mississippi, Texas)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Bulgaria (1)

• Jurassic of Bulgaria (2)

Total: 1709 collections including 2765 occurrences

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