Metopaster parkinsoni Forbes 1848 (sea star)

Asteroidea - Valvatida - Goniasteridae

Alternative combinations: Astrogonium parkinsoni, Goniaster (Goniodiscus) parkinsoni, Goniaster parkinsoni, Goniodiscus parkinsoni

Synonyms: Astrogonium bowerbankii Forbes 1848, Astrogonium compactum Forbes 1850, Astrogonium mantelli Forbes 1848, Goniaster (Goniodiscus) bowerbankii Forbes 1848, Goniaster (Goniodiscus) compactus Forbes 1850, Goniaster (Goniodiscus) mantelli Forbes 1848, Goniaster (Goniodiscus) rectilineus Forbes 1850, Goniaster bowerbankii Forbes 1848, Goniaster compactus Forbes 1850, Goniodiscus bowerbankii Forbes 1848, Goniodiscus compactus Forbes 1850, Goniodiscus mantelli Forbes 1848, Metopaster bowerbankii Forbes 1848, Metopaster mantelli Forbes 1848, Metopaster zonatus Sladen 1893, Mitraster compactus Forbes 1850

Full reference: E. Forbes. 1848. On the Asteriadae found fossil in British strata. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology in London 2(2):457-482

Belongs to Metopaster according to L. Villier 2001

See also Breton 1978, Breton 1985, Breton 1986, Breton 1992, Breton 1997, Carpenter 1882, Dujardin and Hupé 1862, Forbes 1848, Forbes 1850, Fricot 1983, Fritel 1902, Gale 1987, Gale 1989, Ginda 1969, Helm 1997, Lewis 1993, McCoy 1848, Morris 1854, Néraudeau and Breton 1993, Quenstedt 1876, Schulz and Weitschat 1975, Schulz and Weitschat 1981, Sladen 1893, Smith et al. 1988, Spencer 1905, Spencer 1907, Spencer 1913, Spencer and Wright 1966, Valette 1902, Valette 1915, Villier 1995, Villier and Odin 2001, von Zittel 1924, Wright and Smith 1987 and Wright and Wright 1940

Sister taxa: Metopaster alexiae, Metopaster andreae, Metopaster angulatus, Metopaster bezanconi, Metopaster bignoti, Metopaster bromleyi, Metopaster calcar, Metopaster carinatus, Metopaster chilipora, Metopaster continuus, Metopaster dividuus, Metopaster downendensis, Metopaster duvergieri, Metopaster elegans, Metopaster elevatus, Metopaster elongatus, Metopaster hunteri, Metopaster hypertelicus, Metopaster icenicus, Metopaster kagstrupensis, Metopaster laevis, Metopaster lisanae, Metopaster loirensis, Metopaster maculatus, Metopaster medius, Metopaster meudonensis, Metopaster miloni, Metopaster montainvillensis, Metopaster polyplacus, Metopaster poulsenii, Metopaster praetumidus, Metopaster rugissimus, Metopaster schulzi, Metopaster spencerii, Metopaster stratifera, Metopaster tamarae, Metopaster teilhardi, Metopaster tenneseensis, Metopaster tercensis, Metopaster thoracifer, Metopaster trichilae, Metopaster tumidus, Metopaster uncatus, Ravniaster granulatus

Subtaxa: Metopaster parkinsoni rioulti

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Ecology: epifaunal detritivore


• Cretaceous of France (20 collections), Iran (1), Spain (3)

Total: 24 collections each including a single occurrence

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