Proteles Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1824 (hyaena)

Mammalia - Carnivora - Hyaenidae

Synonym: Geocyon Wagler 1830

Parent taxon: Hyaenidae according to K.-P. Koepfli et al. 2006

See also Gray 1825, Koehler and Richardson 1990, Mivart 1882, Werdelin and Peigne 2010 and Werdelin and Solunias 1991

Sister taxa: Adcrocuta, Allohyaena, Belbus, Chasmaporthetes, Crocuta, Euryboas, Hyaena, Hyaenictis, Hyaenictitherium, Hyaeninae, Hyaenotherium, Ictitheriinae, Ictitherium, Ikelohyaena, Leecyaena, Lepthyaena, Lycaena, Lycyaena, Lycyaenops, Mesoviverrops, Miohyaenotherium, Pachycrocuta, Palinhyaena, Parahyaena, Pliocrocuta, Plioviverrops, Protoviverrops, Thalassictis, Tongxinictis, Tungurictis, Gansuyaena

Subtaxa: Proteles cristatus Proteles transvaalensis

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Type: Proteles lalandii

Ecology: ground dwelling insectivore


• Quaternary of South Africa (7 collections)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of South Africa (1)

Total: 8 collections including 9 occurrences

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