Pictodelphis kidwellae Godfrey and Lambert 2023 (toothed whale)

Mammalia - Cetacea

Full reference: S. J. Godfrey and O. Lambert. 2023. Miocene Toothed Whales (Odontoceti) from Calvert Cliffs, Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology 107:29-186

Belongs to Pictodelphis according to S. J. Godfrey and O. Lambert 2023

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: CMM-V-8776, a partial skeleton (partial skull (Figures 2.57, 2.58, Table 2.8; postorbital width estimated at 144 mm) including the rostrum, part of the facial region, part of the right orbit, ). Its type locality is Parker Creek, north, Zone 10-11, which is in a Langhian estuary/bay claystone in the Calvert Formation of Maryland.

Ecology: aquatic carnivore

Distribution: found only at Parker Creek, north, Zone 10-11

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