Reptilia - Testudines - Cheloniidae
Alternative spelling: Chelonidae
Parent taxon: Chelonioidea according to A. G. J. Rhodin et al. 2017
See also Alroy 2006, Andrews 1906, Baur 1893, Cadena et al. 2012, Carroll 1988, Case 1904, Cope 1871, Cope 1875, de Lapparent de Broin et al. 2014, Dodd and Morgan 1992, Frank and Ramus 1996, Gadow 1898, Gaffney 1975, Grant-Mackie et al. 2011, Haidr and Acosta Hospitaleche 2017, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Hirayama 1998, Joyce et al. 2004, Karl 2007, Karl et al. 2012, Karl and Tichy 1999, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Lydekker 1889, Lynch and Parham 2003, Matzke 2007, Mlynarski 1959, Myers et al. 2018, Owen 1842, Parmley et al. 2006, Parris et al. 2000, Perrier 1928, Stefano 1903, Thurmond and Jones 1981, van Dijk et al. 2014, Weems 1988, Zangerl 1960 and Zittel 1890
Sister taxa: Cimochelys, Dermochelyidae, Dermochelyoidae, Desmatochelyidae, Kimurachelys, Leviathanochelys, Nichollsemys, Pandermochelys, Pliochelys, Progonosaurus, Protostegidae, Toxochelyidae
Subtaxa: Allopleuroninae Ashleychelys Cabindachelys Carettinae Chelone Chelone acuticostata Chelone bellunensis Chelone gastaldii Chelone murua Chelone simonellii Chelone sismondai Chelone sordellii Chelone strobeli Cheloniinae Chelyopsis Dollochelys Eochelone Eocheloniinae Eochelyinae Eretmochelyinae Erquelinnesia Gigantatypus Itilochelys Lembonax Lepidochelys Lusochelys Lytoloma Miocaretta Osonachelus Pacifichelys Pliochelys derelicta Procolpochelys Progonosaurus pertinax Protrachyaspis Puppigerus Syllominae Syllomus Tasbacka Trachyaspis Zangerlchelys
Ecology: aquatic omnivore
• Quaternary of Australia (2 collections), Italy (1), Mexico (1), Oman (1), Papua New Guinea (1), Turks and Caicos Islands (1), United States (5: California, Florida)
• Pliocene of India (2), Italy (4), United States (3: California, Florida, North Carolina)
• Huayquerian of Argentina (1)
• Hemphillian of United States (7: Florida, Kansas, Louisiana)
• Miocene to Pliocene of Australia (2)
• Miocene of Argentina (2), Belgium (3), France (3), Italy (8), Japan (1), Malta (1), Mexico (1), Panama (2), Peru (2), Portugal (1), Sri Lanka (2), Switzerland (1), United States (33: California, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, Oregon, Virginia)
• Oligocene of Azerbaijan (1), Belgium (1), Egypt (2), France (1), Germany (9), Italy (1), Kazakhstan (1), New Zealand (1), Poland (1), Romania (1), Switzerland (1), United States (9: South Carolina, Virginia)
• Eocene to Oligocene of Germany (1)
• Eocene of Austria (3), Belgium (6), Denmark (4), Egypt (1), Germany (3), Kazakhstan (6), Kyrgyzstan (1), Morocco (1), New Zealand (1), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (2), Spain (5), Tunisia (2), Ukraine (6), the United Kingdom (18), United States (10: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland , New Jersey, Virginia), Uzbekistan (1), Western Sahara (2)
• Clarkforkian of United States (1: South Carolina)
• Paleogene of Kazakhstan (1)
• Paleocene of Angola (2), Denmark (1), France (1), Kazakhstan (1), Morocco (1), the Russian Federation (3), Ukraine (1), United States (2: Maryland, New Jersey)
• Cretaceous of Chile (1), Denmark (1), Egypt (1), Germany (5), Italy (2), Jordan (2), the Netherlands (4), Portugal (1), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (1), Switzerland (1), Syria (2), the United Kingdom (4), United States (11: Arkansas, California, Georgia, New Jersey, New Mexico, Utah)
Total: 245 collections including 306 occurrences