Also known as locality 3 of Mitchell (1977), locality 2 of Portlock (1843), Tirnaskea
Where: Northern Ireland, United Kingdom (54.6° N, 6.9° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 13.9° S, 83.1° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: Killey Bridge Formation, Richmondian (449.6 - 445.5 Ma)
• According to fig. 2 in Evans (1993) the Killey Bridge Fm. spans the Richmondian (Cautleyan and Rawtheyan) stage.
• formation-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: offshore; micaceous, calcareous mudstone and micaceous, calcareous siltstone
Size class: macrofossils
Preservation: cast
Collection methods: BELUM = Ulster Museum, Belfast
•GSM = British Geological Survey
•TCD = Trinity College, Dublin
•NMINGF = National Museum of Ireland
•"As much of the material used in the study comes from museum collections, unknown biases may be built into the observations made [...]. This results from selective collecting in the past and leads to an over-abundance of certain taxa in the fauna [...]. It may also lead to a distorted interpretation of preservational modes and taphonomy. " (Evans, 1993).
Primary reference: D. H. Evans. 1993. The Cephalopod Fauna of the Killey Bridge Formation (Ordovician, Ashgill), Pomeroy, County Tyrone. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences 12:155-189 [B. Kröger/T. Liebrecht]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 89260: authorized by Björn Kröger, entered by Torsten Liebrecht on 13.05.2009, edited by Björn Kröger and Pete Wagner
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Lingulata | |
Paterula sp.1 Barrande 1879 | |
"Lingulella brevis" = Palaeoglossa attenuata1 Sowerby 1839
Pachyglossella sp.1 Cooper 1960 | |
Schizotreta cf. corrugata1 Cooper 1956 | |
Hisingerella sp.1 Henningsmoen 1948 | |
Craniata | |
Petrocrania sp.1 Raymond 1910 | |
"Paracraniops cf. pararia" = Paracraniops pararius1
"Paracraniops cf. pararia" = Paracraniops pararius1 Williams 1962 | |
Rhynchonellata | |
Hypsiptycha cf. anticostiensis1 Billings 1862
Rhynchotrema cf. plicatum1 Cooper and Kindle 1936 | |
Dicoelosia simulata1 Mitchell 1977 | |
Tyronella killeyensis1 Mitchell 1977 | |
Dalmanella testudinaria transversa1 Mitchell 1977 | |
Lordorthis sp.1 Ross 1959
Dolerorthis intercostata1 de Sowerby and Murchison 1839 | |
Cremnorthis sp.1 Williams 1963 | |
Skenidioides cf. greenhoughi1 Reed 1917 | |
Cyclospira nana1 Davidson 1869
"Protozyga cf. perplexa" = Cyclospira perplexa1 Williams 1962 | |
Plectatrypa hibernica1 Reed 1952 | |
Strophomenata | |
Stropheodontinae indet.1 Caster 1939
Origostrophia fragilis1 Mitchell 1977 | |
Luhaia sp.1 Roomusoks 1956 | |
Actinomena sp.1 Opik 1930
Gunnarella corrugatella1 Portlock 1843 | |
Eopholidostrophia portlocki2 Reed 1952 | |
Leptaena rugosa1 Dalman 1828 | |
Trimurellina superba1 Mitchell 1977 | |
"Leangella discuneata" = Diambonia discuneata1
"Leangella discuneata" = Diambonia discuneata1 Lamont 1935 | |
Christiania portlocki1 Mitchell 1977 | |
Bimuria sp.1 Ulrich and Cooper 1942 | |
Chonetoidea radiatula1 Barrande 1879 | |
Eoplectodonta (Kozlowskites) nuntius1, Eoplectodonta sp.1, Sowerbyella (Rugosowerbyella) ambigua1, Sowerbyella (Sowerbyella) thraivensis1, Sowerbyella (Viruella) sp.1, Anisopleurella anceps1
Eoplectodonta (Kozlowskites) nuntius1 Barrande 1879
Eoplectodonta sp.1 Kozlowski 1929
Sowerbyella (Rugosowerbyella) ambigua1 Reed 1952
Sowerbyella (Sowerbyella) thraivensis1 Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Sowerbyella (Viruella) sp.1 Roomusoks 1959
Anisopleurella anceps1 Mitchell 1977 | |
Kullervo sp.1 Opik 1932 | |
Cephalopoda | |
Ascocerida indet. Kuhn 1949 GSM 7772 (figured as Phragmoceras? in Portlock, 1843), 103470 (possibly formerly referred or even type specimen of Phragmoceras inaequiseprum, but unlikely)
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? Probillingsites sp. Foerste 1928 GSM 103472, specimen referred to Phragmoceras arcuatum? by Portlock (1843) and to Cyrtoceras inaequiseptum by Blake (1882)
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Billingsites sp. Hyatt 1864 TCD 7830 (specimen labelled Poterioceras approximatum, provenance uncertain)
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"Orthoceras subarctuatum n. sp." = Faberoceras subarctuatum
"Orthoceras subarctuatum n. sp." = Faberoceras subarctuatum Portlock 1843 GSM 103474 (type), listed as Faberoceras? subarctuatum in the reference
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Diestoceras "sp. 1", Diestoceras "sp. 2", "Phragmoceras inaequiseptum n. sp." = Diestoceras inaequiseptum, "Orthoceras breviconum n. sp." = Diestoceras breviconum, "Diestoceras breviconum" = Diestoceras breviconum
Diestoceras "sp. 1" Foerste 1924 GSM 103527 (figured as Gomphoceras subpyriforme in Portlock 1843 and mentioned as Poteriocers(?) intortum in Blake, 1882), 103528 (mentioned as Poterioceras(?) intortum in Blake, 1882); NMINGF 14762 (provenance not certain)
Diestoceras "sp. 2" Foerste 1924 GSM 103475 (listed as paralectotype of Orthoceras subarctuatum in Portlock, 1843)
"Phragmoceras inaequiseptum n. sp." = Diestoceras inaequiseptum Portlock 1843 GSM 103486 (type), listed as Diestoceras? inaequisetpum in the reference
"Diestoceras breviconum" = Diestoceras breviconum Portlock 1843 BELUM K4386, 4387 (provenance uncertain)
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"? Trochoceras cinereum n. sp." = Charactoceras cinereum
"? Trochoceras cinereum n. sp." = Charactoceras cinereum Blake 1882 GSM 103522 (type), 103523, 103524 (figured as Phragmoceras compressum? in Portlock, 1843), 103525; all listed as Charactoceras? cinereum in the reference
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"Orthoceras perannulatum n. sp." = Endoceras perannulatum, "Endoceras perannulatum" = Endoceras perannulatum
"Orthoceras perannulatum n. sp." = Endoceras perannulatum Portlock 1843 GSM 103545 (hololectotype), 103546, 103547, 104153; BELUM K4385 (all are paralectotypes), all(?) figured in Portlock (1843) or in Blake (1882)
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Orthocerida "indet. pomeroense" Kuhn 1940 GSM 103480, 103481 (syntypes of Orthoceras pomeroense Portlock), GSM unnumbered (possible syntype of O. pomeroense), GSM 103483; BELUM K4388 (both are syntypes of Orthoceras complanatoseptum Portlock)
Orthocerida "indet. pseudospeciosum" Kuhn 1940 GSM 103464 (syntype of Koleoceras pseudospeciosum Portlock); BELUM K4368
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"Orthoceras subundulatum n. sp." = Imbricatoceras subundulatum, Orthoceras expansum n. sp.
"Orthoceras subundulatum n. sp." = Imbricatoceras subundulatum Portlock 1843 GSM 54308 (type, provenance not certain), listed as Tyrioceras? subundulatum in the reference
Orthoceras expansum n. sp. Blake 1882 GSM 103511 (type); specimen is listed as syntype of Orthoceras tenuicinctum in Portlock (1843)
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"Orthoceras gracile n. sp." = Gorbyoceras gracile, "Gorbyoceras gracile" = Gorbyoceras gracile, "Orthoceras subcostatus n. sp." = Isorthoceras subcostatum
"Orthoceras gracile n. sp." = Gorbyoceras gracile Portlock 1843 GSM 104393 (lectotype), 103494 (paratype)
"Gorbyoceras gracile" = Gorbyoceras gracile Portlock 1843 GSM 103497 (figured as Orthoceras tubicinella var. subnodosum by Portlock, 1843, holotype of subspecies), 103496, 103498 (both figured as O. tubicinella by Portlock, 1843, and/or Blake, 1882), 103499, 103501 (both assigned to O. calamiteum by Portlock, 1837, 1843), 103466 (probably syntype of Koleoceras pseudo-speciosum Portlock), 103500, 103995; BELUM K4362, K4364, K20634, K20635a, K20638; RSM 1870.12.348a + b; TCD 7392, 7843
"Orthoceras subcostatus n. sp." = Isorthoceras subcostatum Portlock 1843 repository and whereabouts of original type specimen(s) unknown