Locality 510, Kyrgyz Range, North Tien Shan (Ordovician to of Kyrgyzstan)

Where: Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan (42.8° N, 71.7° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 15.2° S, 31.5° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate stated in text

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Upper Member (Almaly Formation), Longvillian to Longvillian (457.2 - 449.5 Ma)

• Subunit 2

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lithified, gray, green, argillaceous siltstone and lithified, argillaceous limestone

• intercalating greenish−grey siltstones and argillites with some units of fine grained sandstone and argillaceous limestone.

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the BMNH

Primary reference: L.E. Popov, J.E.R. Ebbestad, A. Mambetov and FKh Apayarov. 2007. A low diversity shallow water lingulid brachiopod−gastropod association from the Upper Ordovician of Kyrgyz Range. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 52(1):27-40 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 72309: authorized by Pete Wagner, entered by Pete Wagner on 31.05.2007

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Trinucleida - Raphiophoridae
 Lingulida - Obolidae
Tunisiglossa almalensis Popov et al. 2007
6 dorsal, 4 ventral
 Orthida - Ranorthidae
"Eodalmanella extra" = Eodalmanella extera
"Eodalmanella extra" = Eodalmanella extera Popov 1985
 Strophomenida - Leptellinidae
Mabella conferta Popov 1985
 Murchisoniina - Eotomariidae
Ptychonema agyris n. sp. Popov et al. 2007 snail