Kostanjek-1 Lithofacies AB, Biofacies 2 (Panonnian) Zagreb Croatia (Miocene of Croatia)

Where: Croatia (44.9° N, 16.1° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 42.9° N, 17.3° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Late/Upper Miocene (11.6 - 5.3 Ma)

• from 1-4m above base of section within 83m thick exposure within the Panonnian stage

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lagoonal; lithified, silty marl and lithified claystone

• The succession retains the structural complex of the Sarmatian layers, but with a new type (oligohaline) fossil community which shows the constant desalinization and shallowing of the environment. The cause of the shallowing is most probably aggradational infilling of the Sarmatian lagoon and/or lifting of the sedimentary area.
• the marls are more silty and contain 70-80% of the carbonate component while clays are rich in organic detritus, granules of pyrite and limonite and have a low carbonate content. Laminae are 5-10cm thick

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: bulk,

• collected using the method "directed dotted sample"

Primary reference: D. Vrsaljko. 1999. The Pannonian Palaeoecology and Biostratigraphy of Molluscs from Kostanjek- Medvednica Mt. Croatia. Geologia Croatica 52(1):9-27 [A. Miller/K. Bulinski/O. Alfaro]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 68219: authorized by Arnold Miller, entered by Kate Bulinski on 09.01.2007

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• fish, macroflora and foraminifera were mentioned in passing. Ostracods, bivalves and molluscs which were reported in lists.
 Podocopida - Loxoconchidae
 Podocopida - Cytherideidae
Cyprideis heterostigma ostracod
subspecies obesa
 Podocopida - Leptocytheridae
 Podocopida - Candonidae
 Podocopida - Cyprididae
 Podocopida - Darwinulidae
Darwinula stevensoni Brady and Robertson 1870 ostracod
 Sorbeoconcha - Hydrobiidae
 Heterostropha - Valvatidae
"Valvata (Cinncina) cf. obtusaeformis" = Valvata obtusaeformis
"Valvata (Cinncina) cf. obtusaeformis" = Valvata obtusaeformis Lorenthey 1906 snail
 Cardiida - Cardiidae
"Limnocardium praeponticum" = Lymnocardium, "Limnocardium obsoletum" = Lymnocardium
"Limnocardium praeponticum" = Lymnocardium cockle
"Limnocardium obsoletum" = Lymnocardium cockle
rare subspecies protractum