Mingan Fm., basal Grand Pointe Mbr. Loc. 3,7 (Ordovician of Canada)

Where: Quebec, Canada (50.2° N, 63.7° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 8.5° S, 92.1° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Grande Pointe Member (Mingan Formation), Chazyan (470.0 - 457.3 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: open shallow subtidal; lithified, dolomitic, stromatolitic wackestone and lithified, dolomitic grainstone

Primary reference: J. K. Rigby and A. Desrochers. 1995. Lower and Middle Ordovician lithistid demosponges from the Mingan Islands, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, Canada. Journal of Paleontology Memoir 69(4):1-35 [S. Peters/S. Peters]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 66135: authorized by Shanan Peters, entered by Shanan Peters on 29.09.2006

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Lithistida - Streptosolenidae
Hudsonospongia irregularis Raymond and Okulitch 1940 demosponge
Hudsonospongia minganensis Raymond and Okulitch 1940 demosponge
Lissocoelia ramosa Bassler 1927 demosponge
 Lithistida - Anthaspidellidae
Rhopalocoelia clarkii Raymond and Okulitch 1940 demosponge
Zittelella varians Billings 1861 demosponge
Zittelella grossa n. sp. Rigby and Desrochers 1995 demosponge
Psarodictyum magnificum Raymond and Okulitch 1940 demosponge
Archaeoscyphia pulchra Bassler 1927 demosponge
Archaeoscyphia undulata n. sp. Rigby and Desrochers 1995 demosponge
Anthaspidella amplia n. sp. Rigby and Desrochers 1995 demosponge