Also known as Naibuchi district, Polyptychoceras mihoense ammonite zone, South Saghalin
Where: Sakhalin, Russian Federation (47.4° N, 142.8° E)
• Paleocoordinates: 51.1° N, 151.2° E (Wright 2013)
• coordinate estimated from map
• local area-level geographic resolution
When: Santonian (86.3 - 83.6 Ma)
• Number III group; Polyptychoceras mihoense ammonite zone. From E. YAZYKOVA (Acta Geologica Polonica, Vol. 54 (2004), No. 2, pp. 273-312): "this paper was the first detailed documentation of a Cretaceous ammonite zonation in central and southern Sakhalin. It should be noted, however, that there are numerous problems in that paper with regard to age assignment of the succession and to exposed intervals.For instance, no Albian faunas were recorded and Campanian deposits were misdated as Maastrichtian, Turonian as Coniacian, Santonian as Campanian, Danian as Maastrichtian, etc. Later, MATSUMOTO (1959c) noted that, at first glance, the zones proposed by SHIMIZU appeared to compare well to those then known in Europe, but in fact they often conflicted with data obtained during subsequent field work."
• formation-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: marine; shale
Size class: macrofossils
Primary reference: S. Shimizu. 1935. The Upper Cretaceous cephalopods of Japan, Part I. J. Shanghai Sci. Inst.,sec. II 1(11):159-226 [R. Plotnick/R. Plotnick/R. Plotnick]more details
Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis
PaleoDB collection 64587: authorized by Roy Plotnick, entered by Roy Plotnick on 10.09.2006
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
Cephalopoda | |
Polyptychoceras mihoense n. sp.
Polyptychoceras mihoense n. sp. ammonite | |
"Epigoniceras glabrum" = Tetragonites glabrus, "Gaudryceras (Pseudogaudryceras) intermedium" = Gaudryceras, "Gaudryceras (Neogaudryceras) tenuliratum" = Gaudryceras
"Epigoniceras glabrum" = Tetragonites glabrus Jimbo 1910 ammonite
"Gaudryceras (Pseudogaudryceras) intermedium" = Gaudryceras ammonite | |
"Kitchinites japonicus" = Kitchinites (Neopuzosia) japonicus
"Kitchinites japonicus" = Kitchinites (Neopuzosia) japonicus Spath 1922 ammonite | |
Phylloceras subramosum ammonite
Phyllopachyceras forbesianum d'Orbigny 1850 ammonite |