Horni Benesov, Nizky Jesenik Mts. (Devonian of Czech Republic)

Also known as Nizky Jesenik Mts., Moravia, CZE

Where: Moravia, Czech Republic (50.0° N, 17.0° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 18.9° S, 11.2° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on political unit

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Stinava-Chabicov Formation, Eifelian (393.3 - 387.7 Ma)

• PJW: Eifelian rock here should be Stinava-Chabicov.

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; black, gray, argillaceous shale and carbonate

• in black sericite shales, which in places acquire even a phyllitic character; grey clayey carbonates

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: V. Havlicek and I. Pek. 1986. Middle Devonian brachiopods from Horni Benesov in the Nizky Jesenik Mts. (Moravia). Casopis pro mineralogii a geologii 31:17-26 [A. Miller/K. Layou]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 5865: authorized by Arnold Miller, entered by Karen Layou on 08.12.1999

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• trilobites listed are based on Chlupac 1969 (PMPD #
 Harpetida - Harpetidae
"Reticuloharpes sp." = Harpes
"Reticuloharpes sp." = Harpes Goldfuss 1839 trilobite
 Proetida - Aulacopleuridae
Cyphaspides sp. Novak 1890 trilobite
Aulacopleura bohemica Pribyl 1947 trilobite
 Proetida - Otarionidae
Otarionella sp. Weyber 1965 trilobite
 Proetida - Tropidocoryphidae
"Phaetonellus planicauda" = Phaetonellus planicaudus Barrande 1846 trilobite
 Proetida - Proetidae
Benesovella strandi Chlupac 1969 trilobite
"Proetus neglectus" = Proetopeltis (Proetopeltis) neglecta Barrande 1852 trilobite
Cornuproetus sp. Richter and Richter 1919 trilobite
 Corynexochida - Styginidae
Thysanopeltis sp. Hawle and Corda 1847 trilobite
Thysanopeltis speciosa Hawle and Corda 1847 trilobite
 Odontopleurida - Odontopleuridae
 Phacopida - Phacopidae
"Phacops auspex" = Chotecops auspex
"Phacops auspex" = Chotecops auspex Chlupác 1971 trilobite
 Nautiloidea -
Nautiloidea indet. Agassiz 1847 nautiloid
Bivalvia indet. Linnaeus 1758 clam
Bryozoa indet. Ehrenberg 1831
 Strophomenida - Sowerbyellidae
"Dalejodiscus subcomitans" = Plectodonta (Dalejodiscus)
"Dalejodiscus subcomitans" = Plectodonta (Dalejodiscus)
 Rhynchonellida - Rozmanariidae
 Rhynchonellida - Septalariidae
 Spiriferida -
 Athyridida - Anoplothecidae
 Pentamerida - Gypidulidae
Gypidula sp. Hall 1867
 Atrypida - Atrypidae
 Atrypida - Davidsoniidae
 Atrypida - Septatrypidae
"Rhynchatrypa thetis" = Septatrypa thetis
"Rhynchatrypa thetis" = Septatrypa thetis Barrande 1847
Hyolitha indet. Marek 1963
 Styliolinida - Styliolinidae
 Nowakiida - Striatostyliolinidae
Striatostyliolina sp. Boucek and Prantl 1961
Metastyliolina sp. Boucek and Prantl 1961
 Nowakiida - Nowakiidae
Nowakia sp. Gurich 1896
Crinoidea indet. Miller 1821 Sea lily
Anthozoa indet. Ehrenberg 1834
 Cystiphyllida - Goniophyllidae
Calceola sandalina Linnaeus 1771 horn coral