Also known as Reef 2842
Where: Spain (40.5° N, 0.1° E)
• Paleocoordinates: 25.4° N, 22.2° E (Wright 2013)
• coordinate estimated from map
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Llacova Formation, Hauterivian (132.9 - 129.4 Ma)
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; lithified framestone
•pinches out laterally, comprising a horizontal extent of about
•20 m.
•The reefs consist of corals and microbialite (mainly thrombolite)
•as the main constructors. In both reef units, thrombolites
•formed subsequently, overlying a first layer of
•encrusters that settled directly on the corals. Encrusters comprise
•algae, foraminifera, bryozoans and serpulid polychaetes,
•but small lithistid, chaetetid and stromatoporoid sponges are
•also frequent.
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Collection methods: quarrying, peel or thin section,
• Focus on corals
Primary reference: S. Götz, H. Löser, and D. U. Schmid. 2005. Reef development on a deepening platform: two Early Cretaceous coralgal patch reefs (Cati, Llacova Formation, eastern Spain) compared. Cretaceous Research 26:864-881 [W. Kiessling/W. Kiessling/W. Kiessling]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 56708: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Wolfgang Kiessling on 23.11.2005
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Bivalvia | |
| |
Stenolaemata | |
"Berenicea" sp. Lamouroux 1821 | |
Sedentaria | |
Serpulidae indet. Rafinesque 1835 | |
Polychaeta | |
Anthozoa | |
Microsolena kugleri Wells 1948 stony coral
Eocomoseris raueni Löser 1993 stony coral | |
"Stylina parvistella" = Stylina inwaldensis
"Stylina parvistella" = Stylina inwaldensis Ogilvie 1897 stony coral | |
"Dimorphocoenia rudis" = Meandrastrea rudis
"Dimorphocoenia rudis" = Meandrastrea rudis de Fromentel 1886 stony coral | |
Polyphylloseris cf. mammillata Eguchi 1951 stony coral
Polyphylloseris mammillata Eguchi 1951 stony coral | |
unclassified | |
| |
Demospongiae | |
| |
Porostromata | |
Cyanophyceae | |
Bacinella irregularis Radoicic 1959 | |
Lithocodium aggregatum | |
Lithocodium aggregatum Elliott 1956 | |
Florideophyceae | |
Foraminifera | |
Placopsilina sp. d'Orbigny 1850 | |