Wierzbica, Holy Cross Mts. (Jurassic of Poland)

Where: Poland (51.3° N, 21.1° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 36.1° N, 30.7° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Early/Lower Kimmeridgian (155.7 - 150.8 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: shallow subtidal; lithified marl and lithified limestone

• alternating of marls or micritic limestones and bioclastic packstones, oyster lumachelles, Actinostreon biostromes

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: J. Dzik. 1979. Some terebratulid populations from the Lower Kimmeridgian of Poland and their relations to the biotic environment. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 24(4):473-492 [M. Aberhan/S. Nurnberg/S. Nurnberg]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 38693: authorized by Martin Aberhan, entered by Sabine Nürnberg on 29.04.2004, edited by Uta Merkel and Daniel Wellmanns

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Tubuliporata - Oncousoeciidae
Microeciella sp.1 Taylor and Sequeiros 1982
Oncousoecia sp.1 Canu 1918
 Tubuliporata - Stomatoporidae
Stomatopora dichotomoides1 d'Orbigny 1850
 Tubuliporata - Plagioeciidae
Hyporosopora radomensis n. sp.1 Hara and Taylor 2009
? Plagioecia rugosa1 d'Orbigny 1853
 Tubuliporata - Multisparsidae
Reptomultisparsa sp.1 d'Orbigny 1852
 Terebratulida - Postepithyrididae
"Epithyris subsella" = Xestosina subsella
"Epithyris subsella" = Xestosina subsella Leymerie 1846
Mollusca indet. Linnaeus 1758
 Mytilida - Mytilidae
 Pectinida - Pectinoidae
Camptonectes lens Sowerby 1818 scallop
 Ostreida - Gryphaeidae
Deltoideum sp.1 Rollier 1917 oyster
Deltoideum delta2 Smith 1817 oyster
Liostrea sp. Douvillé 1904 oyster
"Exogyra nana" = Nanogyra (Nanogyra) nana Sowerby 1822 oyster
Nanogyra virgula1 Deshayes 1831 oyster
 Ostreida - Pinnidae
 Ostreida - Malleidae
 Ostreida - Palaeolophidae
"Lopha gregarea" = Actinostreon gregareum
"Lopha gregarea" = Actinostreon gregareum Sowerby 1816 oyster
 Trigoniida - Trigoniidae
 Pholadida - Pleuromyidae
Pleuromya uniformis Sowerby 1813 clam
 Architaenioglossa - Ampullinidae
Ampullina sp. Férussac 1822 snail
 Cidaroida - Rhabdocidaridae
"Rhabdocidaris" sp. Desor 1855 pencil urchin