Gour Lazib HGL10 (Eocene to of Algeria)

Also known as Locus 1 of Sudre (1975, 1979)

Where: Bechar region, Algeria (30.0° N, 4.0° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 20.5° N, 1.4° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• basin-level geographic resolution

When: middle Member (Glib Zegdou Formation), Ypresian to Ypresian (56.0 - 41.3 Ma)

• Late early Eocene to lower Middle Eocene (Ypresian to basal Lutetian). Upper part of the detritic, charophyte-bearing formation as described by Sudre 1975. The exact correpondance between Sudre's original locus 1 and the level HGL10 is impossible to confirm, but the two sampling points are certainly very close if not equal.

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial-lacustrine; lenticular, intraclastic, red, yellow sandstone

• lenticular horizon of yellow to red sandstones containing rounded clay intraclasts and very rich in charophytes (oogones).

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: J. Sudre. 1975. Un prosimien de Paleogene ancien du Sahara nord-occidental: Azibius trerki n. g. n. sp. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris, Serie D 280:1539-1542 [E. Fara/E. Fara/E. Fara]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 36612: authorized by Emmanuel Fara, entered by Emmanuel Fara on 07.02.2004, edited by Philip Mannion

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Charales - Characeae
 Charales - Characea
Chara sp.1 Linnaeus 1753 stonewort
 Charales - Feistiellaceae
Raskyella sp.1 Grambast and Grambast 1954
Mammalia indet.1 Linnaeus 1758 mammal
 Placentalia -
Hyracoidea indet.1 Huxley 1869 hyrax
 Hyracoidea - Titanohyracidae
Titanohyrax tantulus1 Court and Hartenberger 1992 hyrax
M1 sup
 Creodonta -
Glibzegdouia tabelbalaensis3 Crochet et al. 2001 creodont
HGL 10-15
 Primates - Azibiidae
Algeripithecus minutus n. gen. n. sp.2, "Azibius trerki n. gen. n. sp." = Azibius trerki, "Tabelia hammadae" = Azibius trerki1, "Dralestes hammadaensis n. gen. n. sp." = Azibius trerki1
Algeripithecus minutus n. gen. n. sp.2 Godinot and Mahboubi 1992 primate
"Azibius trerki n. gen. n. sp." = Azibius trerki Sudre 1975 primate
a mandible fragment
"Tabelia hammadae" = Azibius trerki1 Sudre 1975 primate
"Dralestes hammadaensis n. gen. n. sp." = Azibius trerki1 Sudre 1975 primate
 Placentalia -
Rodentia indet.1 Bowdich 1821 rodent