Hornet's Nest Quarry ( of the United States)

Also known as UNSM Kx-127

Where: Knox County, Nebraska (42.6° N, 97.9° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 43.3° N, 96.6° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Blancan (4.9 - 1.8 Ma)

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial-lacustrine; conglomerate

• "lenses of fine gravel within a unit of western-source sand and gravel"

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Reposited in the UNSM

Collection methods: bulk, sieve,

• "fossils were recovered by wet-screening"

Primary reference: K. Rogers. 1984. Herpetofaunas of the Big Springs and Hornet's Nest quarries (northeastern Nebraska, Pleistocene: Late Blancan). Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 12:81-94 [J. Alroy/M. Sommers/J. Alroy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 27572: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 12.12.2002, edited by Bethany Allen

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• mammals are present but are not listed
 Testudines - Emydidae
Emydidae indet. Rafinesque 1815 turtle
possibly Graptemys
Chrysemys picta Schneider 1783 painted turtle
 Squamata - Scincidae
Eumeces sp. Wiegmann 1834 skink
 Squamata - Crotalidae
Crotalus horridus Linnaeus 1758 timber rattlesnake
 Squamata - Colubridae
Regina grahami crayfish snake
Nerodia rhombifera water snake
Nerodia sp. Baird and Girard 1853 water snake
sipedon or hibbardi
Nerodia rhombifer Hallowell 1852 diamondback water snake
Thamnophis proximus garter snake
Thamnophis radix garter snake
Thamnophis sirtalis Linnaeus garter snake
Elaphe guttata Linnaeus 1766 corn snake
 Salientia - Ranidae
Rana sp. Linnaeus 1758 frog
"blairi or R. pipiens or R. utricularia"
Rana catesbeiana Shaw 1802 American bullfrog
 Salientia - Bufonidae
 Caudata - Urodela
"Ambystoma maculatum" = Amblystoma maculatum, Ambystoma tigrinum
"Ambystoma maculatum" = Amblystoma maculatum Shaw 1802 Spotted salamander
Ambystoma tigrinum Green 1825 tiger salamander