Hoots locality 55, lower Temescal Canyon, Santa Monica Mountains (Pliocene of the United States)

Where: Los Angeles County, California (34.0° N, 118.5° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 34.6° N, 117.3° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: San Diego Formation, Late/Upper Pliocene (3.6 - 2.6 Ma)

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: coastal; massive, gray sandstone

• massive soft light-gray conglomeratic sandstone

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by H. W. Hoots; reposited in the CIT, LACM

Primary reference: H. W. Hoots. 1931. Geology of the eastern part of the Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, California. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 165(C):83-134 [J. Marcot/J. Marcot]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 237593: authorized by Jonathan Marcot, entered by Jonathan Marcot on 12.12.2024

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Terebratulida - Terebrataliidae
 Pectinida - Pectinoidae
"Pecten stearnsii" = Leopecten stearnsii, "Chlamys hastatus" = Chlamys hastata, Chlamys opuntia, "Chlamys swiftii parmeleei" = Swiftopecten parmeleei, ""Pecten" cerrosensis" = Lyropecten cerrosensis, "Pecten bellus hemphilli" = Euvola bella, ""Pecten" purpuratus" = Argopecten purpuratus, ""Pecten" healeyi" = Patinopecten healeyi
"Pecten stearnsii" = Leopecten stearnsii Dall 1878 scallop
"Chlamys hastatus" = Chlamys hastata Sowerby 1842 scallop
Chlamys opuntia Dall 1898 scallop
"Chlamys swiftii parmeleei" = Swiftopecten parmeleei Dall 1898 scallop
""Pecten" cerrosensis" = Lyropecten cerrosensis Gabb 1866 scallop
"Pecten bellus hemphilli" = Euvola bella Conrad 1856 scallop
""Pecten" purpuratus" = Argopecten purpuratus Lamarck 1819 calico scallop
""Pecten" healeyi" = Patinopecten healeyi Arnold 1906 scallop
 Ostreida - Ostreidae
"Ostrea vespertina" = Dendostrea vespertina
"Ostrea vespertina" = Dendostrea vespertina Conrad 1855 oyster
 Lucinida - Lucinidae
Miltha cf. xantusi, "Lucinoma annulata" = Lucinoma annulatum
Miltha cf. xantusi Dall 1903 clam
"Lucinoma annulata" = Lucinoma annulatum Reeve 1850 clam
 Epitonioidea - Epitoniidae
Opalia varicostata Stearns 1875 wentletrap