Bed 6, Wardie B, north of Edinburgh (Carboniferous of the United Kingdom)

Also known as Granton, near Edinburgh (BMNH)

Where: Scotland, United Kingdom (56.0° N, 3.2° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 27.1° S, 8.7° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Wardie shales Member (Gullane Formation), Asbian (340.0 - 336.0 Ma)

• Calciferous Sandstones. Lower Oil-Shale Group (Holkerian-Asbian) of the Lower Carboniferous Calciferous Sandstone Measures

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lacustrine; lithified, black, gray claystone and lithified, nodular ironstone

• They are largely non-marine and were apparently deposited in a large freshwater or brackish lake extending into West Lothian and Fife and as far as the Pentland Hills. This lake, however, was subject to a periodic marine influence from the east, which became more manifest through time. Marine fossils in the Edinburgh district are confined to thin bands only.
• "Shale, black with ironstone nodules containing fish remains"

•"dark blaes"

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: concretion

Reposited in the BMNH

Primary reference: S. P. Wood. 1975. Recent discoveries of Carboniferous fishes in Edinburgh. Scottish Journal of Geology 11(3):251-258 [E. Dunne/S. Fasey]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 230478: authorized by Emma Dunne, entered by Sophie Fasey on 26.06.2023

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Palaeoniscimorpha -
"Eurynotus crenatus" = Notacmon crenatus
"Eurynotus crenatus" = Notacmon crenatus Gistel 1848
 Palaeonisciformes - Cosmoptychiidae
 Palaeonisciformes - Palaeoniscidae
Gonatodus punctatus Agassiz 1835
 Palaeonisciformes - Rhadinichthyidae
 Palaeonisciformes - Platysomidae
aff. Eurynotus sp. Agassiz 1835
NMS 1972.27.418, 419, 420
 Elonichthyiformes - Elonichthyidae
Elonichthys robisoni Hibbert 1835 ray-finned fish
Elonichthys striatulus Traquair 1904 ray-finned fish
 Crossopterygii - Osteolepidae
Megalichthys sp. Agassiz 1835
 Acanthodiformes - Acanthodidae
Acanthodes sulcatus Agassiz 1835 spiny fish
 Ctenacanthiformes - Ctenacanthidae
Ctenacanthidae indet. Dean 1909 elasmobranch