Also known as AMNH locality 5491
Where: Jack County, Texas (33.2° N, 98.1° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 3.3° S, 30.8° W (Wright 2013)
When: Finis Shale Member (Graham Formation), Virgilian (303.7 - 298.9 Ma)
Environment/lithology: marine; shale
•0.0-2.0 Weathered shale, light gray with limonitic and calcareous concretions, gray on fresh surface, weathers clayey
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Collection methods: surface (float), surface (in situ)
Primary reference: W. Boston. 1988. The surficial geology, paleontology, and paleoecology of the Finis Shale (Pennsylvanian, Lower Virgilian) in Jack County, Texas. 293 [B. Seuss/B. Seuss/B. Seuss]more details
Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis
PaleoDB collection 217897: authorized by Barbara Seuss, entered by Barbara Seuss on 18.02.2021
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
•A faunal list from this locality is included in Plummer and Moore (192l) and this is the locality studied by Miller and Downs (1950). A composite section of this locality is included in Plummer and Scott (1937).
unclassified | |
Agithiceras ciscoense, Neoaganites grahamense, "Merceras" sp., Fish indet., Nautiloidea indet., Ammonoidea indet., Brachiopoda indet.
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Cephalopoda | |
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"Gonioloboceras goniolobum" = Gonioloboceras goniolobus
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Bivalvia | |
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Scaphopoda | |
"Dentalium semicostatum" = Prodentalium semicostatum
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Gastropoda | |
Ianthinopsis paulideformis, "Ianthinopsis regularis" = Soleniscus regularis
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Glabrocingulum welleri, Glabrocingulum gravillense, "Trepospira depressa" = Trepospira illinoisensis
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"Straparolus subrugosus" = Straparollus
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"Bellerophon crassus" = Waagenella crassus, "Bellerophon tricarinatus" = Pharkidonotus percarinatus, "Knightites montfortianus" = Cymatospira montfortianus
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Stenolaemata | |
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Lingulata | |
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Strophomenata | |
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"Juresania nebrascensis" = Parajuresania nebrascensis
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Kozlowskia spendens, "Retaria lasallensis" = Kutorginella lasallensis
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Rhynchonellata | |
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"Punctospirifer kentuckyensis" = Punctospirifer kentuckensis
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Crinoidea | |
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Echinoidea | |
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Anthozoa | |
Lophophyllidium linosum, "Lophophyllidium spinosum" = Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) absitum
"Lophophyllidium spinosum" = Lophophyllidium (Lophophyllidium) absitum Jeffords 1947 horn coral 8 specimens
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