Leavenworth Madison IA Outcrop, Locality 29 (Carboniferous of the United States)

Where: Madison County, Iowa (41.3° N, 94.2° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 2.0° N, 24.0° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Leavenworth Limestone Member (Oread Limestone Formation), Virgilian (303.7 - 298.9 Ma)

• Leavenworth Limestone Member of the Oread Limestone is the "middle-limestone" of the Oread Megacyclothem (Pennsylvanian, Virgilian); stratigraphic and faunal evidence suggests that the Salem School Member of northcentral Texas is time correlative with the Leavenworth Limestone


•Thickness: 1.2 feet

Environment/lithology: platform or shelf-margin reef; limestone

• Leavenworth limestone was deposited in a relatively shallow water on a broad, slowly subsiding, carbonate platform
• "aggregate-grain-facies"

•Leavenworth limestone is dark bluish-gray, fine-grained, dense, very hard, vertically jointed, moderately fossiliferous; in most localities is occurs as one prominent bed ranging in thickness from slightly under 1 foot to a max. of 3 feet; skeletal mud occurs at 27 (of 32) localities and is the dominent LL facies

•Condra & Upp (1933): 1f 2" of dark bluish-gray, very dense, with vertical joints, forms rectangular blocks, contains minute fusulinids, high-spired gastropods, bellerophontids, abundant algae growth and some bryozoa

Size classes: mesofossils, microfossils

• in addition to the algae: coated grains composed of algal crust (Archaeolithophyllum cf. lamellosum), "Osagid"-type coated grains, fine borings (fungal?)

•silicified sponge spicules are found at localities 16, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29; sponge spicules were observed across the outcrop belt though

•fecal pellets are found but not present at localities 1,2,4,16,17,19,22, 24A, 25, 26, 28, 29

Primary reference: D.F. Toomey. 1969. The Biota of the Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) Leavenworth Limestone, Midcontinent Region Part I: Stratigraphy, Paleogeography, and Sediment Facies Relationships. Journal of Paleontology 43(4):1001-1018 [B. Seuss/B. Seuss/B. Seuss]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 217130: authorized by Barbara Seuss, entered by Barbara Seuss on 25.01.2021

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Oscillatoriales - Girvanellaceae
Girvanella sp.1 Nicholson and Etheridge 1878
 Cryptonemiales - Archaeolithophyllaceae
 Fusulinoidea - Schwagerinidae
 Fusulinoidea - Eostaffellidae
 Fusulinoidea -
 Tetrataxoidea - Tetrataxidae
 Palaeotextularoidea - Biseriamminidae
 Palaeotextularoidea - Palaeotextulariidae
 Fusulinina - Tuberitinidae
 Endothyroidea - Bradyinidae
Bradyina magna2 Roth and Skinner 1930
 Endothyroidea - Endothyridae
 Fusulinina - Palaeospiroplectamminidae
 Lituolida - Lituolidae
"Textularia" exima3
"Textularia exima Eichwald, 1860" sensu Ireland, 1956
 Miliolida - Cornuspiridae
 Textulariina - Hyperamminidae
 Ammodiscoidea - Saccamminidae
 Lagenina - Syzraniidae
"Tubiphytes cf. obscurus" = Shamovella obscura1
"Tubiphytes cf. obscurus" = Shamovella obscura1 Maslov 1956
Porifera indet.4 Grant 1836
polyactine spicules (probably oxyasters), desma spicule (tetracrepid); spicules