Macon, 16 miles south of (Eocene of the United States)

Where: Houston County, Georgia (32.6° N, 83.6° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 35.4° N, 63.5° W (Wright 2013)

When: Eocene (56.0 - 33.9 Ma)

Environment/lithology: marine; lithology not reported

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: adpression

Primary reference: E. W. Berry. 1914. The Upper Cretaceous and Eocene floras of South Carolina and Georgia. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 84:1-200 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 212698: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Mark Uhen on 18.08.2020

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Myrtales - Combretaceae
 Rosids - Moraceae
Ficus claibornensis Berry 1914 fig
 Sapindales - Sapindaceae
Dodonaea viscosoides Berry 1914 soapberry
 Rosales - Mimosaceae
 Malpighiales - Rhizophoraceae
Rhizophora eocenica Berry 1914 true mangrove
 Caryophyllales - Nyctaginaceae
? Pisonia claibornensis n. sp. Berry 1914 birdcatcher tree
 Laurales - Lauraceae
Malapoenna sp. Adanson 1763 laurel
 Sphaeriales - Sphaeriaceae