Where: Westmoreland County, Virginia (38.2° N, 76.8° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 39.7° N, 70.8° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate estimated from map
• local area-level geographic resolution
When: Plum Point Member (Calvert Formation), Serravallian (13.8 - 11.6 Ma)
• Zones 15A-B are Serravallian or Barstovian NALMA
• member-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: marine; lithology not reported
Size class: macrofossils
Primary reference: R. E. Weems, L. E. Edwards, and B. Landacre. 2017. Geology and biostratigraphy of the Potomac River Cliffs at Stratford Hall, Westmoreland County, Virginia. The Geological Society of America Field Guide 47:125-152 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 187324: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Mark Uhen on 20.07.2017
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Cicuta | |
Cicuta sp. Linnaeus 1753 cowbane | |
Dicotyledoneae | |
Ericaceae indet. Jussieu 1789 heather | |
Angiospermae | |
Acer sp. Linnaeus 1753 maple | |
Carya sp. Nuttall 1818 hickory
Juglans sp. Linnaeus 1753 walnut | |
Quercus sp. Linnaeus 1753 oak | |
Ulmus sp. Linnaeus 1753 elm | |
Salix sp. Linnaeus 1753 willow | |
cf. Proteacidites sp. Cookson and Couper 1953 | |
Platanus sp. Linnaeus 1753 plane tree | |
Nyssa sp. Linnaeus 1753 tupelo | |
Ilex sp. Linnaeus 1753 holly | |
Asteraceae indet. Berchtold and Presl 1820 daisy | |
Fraxinus sp. Linnaeus 1753 ash | |
Liquidambar sp. Linnaeus 1753 sweetgum | |
Typha sp. Linnaeus 1753 bulrush | |
Poaceae indet. Barnhart 1895 grass | |
Cyperaceae indet. Jussieu 1789 sedge | |
| |
Pinopsida | |
Actinopteri | |
Megalops cf. atlanticus Valenciennes 1847 | |
Albula sp. Gronow 1763 bonefish | |
Alepisaurus sp. lancetfish | |
Scomberomorus sp. Lacépède 1802
Acanthocybium sp. Gill 1862 | |
Sciaenops sp. Gill 1863 | |
Lagodon cf. rhomboides Linnaeus 1766 perch-like fish | |
Lopholatilus ereborensis Carnevale and Godfrey 2014 | |
Protautoga conidens Leidy 1873 | |
Ranzania grahami Weems 1985 | |
Istiophorus sp. Lacépède 1802 | |
Sphyraena cf. barracuda Edwards 1771 barracuda | |
Mammalia | |
Metaxytherium crataegense Simpson 1932 dugong | |
| |
Zarhachis sp., "Schizodelphis crassangulum" = Zarhachis crassangulum
Zarhachis sp. Cope 1868 toothed whale
"Schizodelphis crassangulum" = Zarhachis crassangulum Case 1904 toothed whale | |
Xiphiacetus bossi Kellogg 1925 toothed whale | |
Priscodelphinus stenus Cope 1868 toothed whale
Pelocetus calvertensis Kellogg 1965 whale
Diorocetus hiatus Kellogg 1968 whale | |
Mesocetus siphunculus Cope 1895 whale | |
Parietobalaena palmeri, "Aglaocetus patulus" = Atlanticetus patulus
Parietobalaena palmeri Kellogg 1924 whale
"Aglaocetus patulus" = Atlanticetus patulus Kellogg 1968 whale | |
"Leptophoca lenis" = Leptophoca proxima
"Leptophoca lenis" = Leptophoca proxima Van Beneden 1876 seal | |
Reptilia | |
Trachyaspis lardyi Meyer 1873 sea turtle | |
Aves | |
"Morus loxostylus" = Moris loxostyla
"Morus loxostylus" = Moris loxostyla Cope 1870 gannet | |
Mergus miscellus Alvarez and Olson 1978 merganser | |
Feducciavis loftini Olson 2011 gull | |
Reptilia | |
Thecachampsa antiquus Leidy 1852 crocodilian | |
Osteichthyes | |
Acipenser ornatus Leidy 1873 sturgeon | |
Chondrichthyes | |
Carcharoides catticus Philippi 1846 mackerel shark | |
"Carcharocles megalodon" = Otodus megalodon
"Carcharocles megalodon" = Otodus megalodon Agassiz 1835 megalodon | |
"Cetorhinus parvus" = Keasius parvus
"Cetorhinus parvus" = Keasius parvus Leriche 1908 basking shark | |
Mustelus sp. hound shark | |
Hemipristis serra Agassiz 1835 ground shark | |
Galeocerdo aduncus Agassiz 1835 tiger shark | |
Carcharhinus sp. de Blainville 1816 requiem shark
Negaprion eurybathrodon Blake 1862 lemon shark | |
Rhinoptera sp. Cuvier 1829 cownose ray | |
Mobula sp. Rafinesque 1810 devil ray
Pteromylaeus sp. Garman 1913 bull ray | |
Dasyatis sp. Rafinesque 1810 whiptail stingray | |
Raja sp. Linnaeus 1758 skate |