Cava di Alonte, Monti Berici (middle-upper levels) (Eocene of Italy)

Where: Vicenza, Italy (45.4° N, 11.4° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 36.9° N, 16.8° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Priabonian (38.0 - 33.9 Ma)

• The quarry ranges in age from Bartonian to Priabonian based on calcareous nannofossils (Beccaro, 2003), but most decapods come from the middle-upper parts that are Priabonian in age.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lithified limestone

• Some plants in lower layers of Alonte quarry suggest brackish influence (De Angeli and Caporiondo 2019)

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: Repository: Museo Civico "G. Zannato" di Montecchio Maggiore

Primary reference: A. De Angeli, C. Beschin, and A. Checchi. 2005. Una nuova specie di Albuneidae Stimpson, 1858 dell’Eocene della Valle del Chiampo (Vicenza, NE Italia) e considerazioni sulle altre forme note (Decapoda, Anomura, Hippoidea). Lavori - Società Veneziana di Scienze Naturali 30:85-91 [C. Schweitzer/E. Johnson/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 184969: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 01.04.2017, edited by Mark Uhen and Rosa Valdez

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Sirenia - Dugongidae
Prototherium sp.7 de Zigno 1887 dugong
 Isopoda - Sphaeromatidae
Sphaeroma gasparellai1 De Angeli and Lovato 2009 isopod
 Decapoda - Porcellanidae
Spathagalathea minuta7 de Angeli and Garassino 2002 decapod
 Decapoda - Galatheidae
Palaeomunida defecta7 Lorenthey 1902 decapod
 Decapoda - Albuneidae
Italialbunea lutetiana Beschin and De Angeli 1984 decapod
 Decapoda - Raninidae
"Notopus beyrichi" = Notoporanina beyrichi4, Ranina "sp. 2"5
"Notopus beyrichi" = Notoporanina beyrichi4 Bittner 1875 crab
Ranina "sp. 2"5 Feldmann et al. 1996 crab
 Decapoda - Carpiliidae
Tethyscarpilius bericus n. gen. n. sp.3
Tethyscarpilius bericus n. gen. n. sp.3 De Angeli and Alberti 2016 crab
 Decapoda - Aethridae
Hepatiscus poverelli7 Via 1959 crab
 Decapoda - Carcinidae
Portunites eocaenica6 Lorenthey 1929 crab
Bericocarcinus alontensis n. gen. n. sp.2 De Angeli 2018 crab
 Decapoda - Palicidae
Eopalicus imbricatus7 De Angeli and Beschin 2000 crab