Also known as Contamana; CTA 29
Where: Loreto, Peru (7.3° S, 74.9° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 7.9° S, 62.1° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate stated in text
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: lower Member (Pozo Formation), Rupelian to Rupelian (33.9 - 23.0 Ma)
• early Barrancan SALMA based on mammalian biochronology
•Campbell et al. (2021). Our analyses correctly predicted that Pozomys ucayaliensis from CTA-29 is younger (27.0 Ma) than the rodents from the underlying level CTA-27 (mean of 30.3 Ma) and provide an independent age estimate for CTA-29 that is ∼16.5 My younger than that provided by “biotite” grains from the same layer (presumably reworked, see Discussion) that yielded a 40Ar/39Ar date of 43.44 ± 2.5 Ma.
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: fluvial; lithology not reported
Size class: mesofossils
Primary reference: P. Antoine, M. A. Abello, S. Adnet, A. J. A. Sierra, P. Baby, G. Billet, M. Boivin, Y. Calderón, A. Candela, J. Chabain, and F. Corfu. 2016. A 60-million-year Cenozoic history of western Amazonian ecosystems in Contamana, eastern Peru. Gondwana Research 31:30-59 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/P. Wagner]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 176129: authorized by Jelle Zijlstra, entered by Jelle Zijlstra on 29.01.2016, edited by Philip Mannion and Kateryn Pino
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
Raskyella | |
unclassified | |
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Amphibia | |
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Mammalia | |
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Palaeothentoidea indet. Goin et al. 2009 marsupial | |
Wamradolops sp. Goin and Candela 2004 metatherian | |
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Caviomorpha "species 1", Pozomys ucayaliensis n. gen. n. sp.2, Chinchilloidea indet., Cachiyacuy cf. contamanensis, Eobranisamys riverai1
Pozomys ucayaliensis n. gen. n. sp.2 Boivin et al. 2017 caviomorph "two teeth and a mandibular fragment with m1-m2"
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Reptilia | |
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Caimaninae "durophagous taxon" Brochu 1999 crocodilian | |
Actinopteri | |
Characiformes "hook-like tooth" Regan 1911
Characiformes "dome-like teeth" Regan 1911 | |
cf. Hydrolycus sp. Lundberg 1997 | |
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Malacostraca | |
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Ostracoda | |
Ilyocypris aff. lusitanica ostracod |