Little Bay - DDH5:4.3 m (Miocene of Australia)

Where: New south wales, Australia (34.0° S, 151.2° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 41.0° S, 154.3° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Middle Miocene (16.0 - 11.6 Ma)

• Evidence for the age of the deposit comes from the palynological assemblages. The data are emphatic that the deposit falls within one palynological zone. The maximum and minimum age limits are Early Oligocene and Middle Miocene, based on Acaciapollenites myriosporites, Nothofagidites flemingii, N. goniatus, Tubulifloridites simplis and the absence of taxa which first appear in the Late Miocene, such as Amperea and Monotoca. However, the probable maximum age is Middle Miocene based on the ocurrence of varieties of Canthiumidites (al. Triporopollenites) bellus in the deepest samples boreholes DDH1 and DDH2.

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; claystone and shale

Size classes: macrofossils, microfossils

Preservation: adpression

Collection methods: chemical

Primary reference: J. W. Pickett, M. K. Macphail, A. D. Partridgec and M. S. Poled. 1997. Middle Miocene palaeotopography at Little Bay, near Maroubra, New South Wales. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences: An International Geoscience Journal of the Geological Society of Australia 44(4):509-518 [C. Jaramillo/C. Jaramillo]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 169003: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Carlos Jaramillo on 04.05.2015

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Ericales - Ericaceae
Ericipites scabratus Harris 1965 heather
 Ericales - Sapotaceae
 Sapindales - Sapindaceae
 Fagales - Casuarinaceae
Casuarinidites cainozoicus Cookson and Pike 1954
 Fagales -
Nothofagidites emarcidus
Nothofagidites emarcidus/heterus
Nothofagidites asperus Cookson 1958
 Proteales - Proteaceae
Proteacidites spp. Cookson and Couper 1953
 Poales - Restionaceae
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Dacrycarpites australiensis Cookson and Pike 1953 podocarp
Podocarpidites spp. Cookson 1947 podocarp
Lygistepollenites florinii Stover and Evans 1973 podocarp
Phyllocladidites mawsonii Cookson 1947 podocarp
 Coniferales - Cupressaceae
Cupressaceae indet. Gray 1822 cypress
 Pinidae - Pinidae
  - Gleicheniaceae
Gleicheniidites spp. Dettmann 1963
  - Osmundaceae
  - Polypodiaceae
Cyathidites australis Couper 1953
Cyathidites australis/minor
Monolites alveolatus Couper 1969
 Gonyaulacales - Gonyaulacaceae
Cyperaceaepollis neogenicus