Regatta Point - Early Pleistocene (Pleistocene to of Australia)

Where: Tasmania, Australia (42.2° S, 145.3° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 42.7° S, 145.5° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate stated in text

When: Early/Lower Pleistocene to Early/Lower Pleistocene (2.6 - 0.1 Ma)

• The Regatta Point fossils are contained within transported blocks of sediment which have been dated by palynological correlation as Early or possibly Middle Pleistocene (Macphail et al. 1993). Dated as Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene by Hill and Macphail, 1985; Wells & Hill, 1989.

Environment/lithology: lacustrine; gray mudstone and poorly lithified, fine-grained sandstone

• The blocks have been transported an unkwown distance from the original site of deposition. It is unlikely that they have travelled far, since they are large (1 m3), close together and very angular, with little sign of erosion.

•The fine-grained nature of the sediment matrix indicates distal deposition in a low-energy environment such as a lake, river estuary or a shallow inland harbour such as the one existing there today (Wells & Hill, 1989).

• The fossil occur in soft mudstone blocks situated in a glacifluvial outwash gravel above an Early Eocene mudstone.

•The mudstone blocks are composed of quartz grains, black organic fragments,

•whole plant structures and cream-coloured mud flakes all dispersed through a dark brown-grey mudstone matrix (Wells & Hill, 1989). Macrofossils from Jordan, 1997 were extracted from mudstone, siltstone and sandstone clasts within the gravels.

Size classes: macrofossils, microfossils

Preservation: adpression, original sporopollenin

Collection methods: bulk, chemical, hydroflouric, sieve

• Repository: Department of Plant Science at the University of Tasmania.

•pollen count min. 400 identifiable pollen and spores (Jordan et al., 1995).

Primary reference: G. J. Jordan, M. K. Macphail, R. Barnes and R. S. Hill. 1995. An Early to Middle Pleistocene Flora of Subalpine Affinities in Lowland Western Tasmania. Australian Journal of Botany 43(2):231-242 [C. Jaramillo/C. Jaramillo]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 166707: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Andrés Cárdenas on 22.02.2015, edited by Carlos Jaramillo

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• Includes macrofossils and microfossils.
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
 Oxalidales - Cunoniaceae
 Canellales - Winteraceae
cf. Gephyrapollenites cranwellae6 magnoliids
Gephyrapollenites calathus6 magnoliids
Tasmannia sp.6 Brown and Candolle 1818 magnoliids
 Myrtales -
Myrtaceidites mesonesus6 Cookson and Pike 1954
 Myrtales - Myrtaceae
Myrtaceae indet. de Jussieu 1789 myrtle
Myrtaciphyllum pleistocenicum n. sp.8 Jordan 1997 myrtle
Leptospermum sp.8 Forster and Forster 1775 myrtle
Baeckea "ramosissima-type"6 Linnaeus 1753 myrtle
Eucalyptus sp. L'Héritier de Brutelle 1789 eucalyptus
 Ericales - Epacridaceae
Epacridaceae indet. Brown
 Ericales - Symplocaceae
Symplocos sp. Jacquin 1760 sweetleaf
 Ericales - Ericaceae
Epacris spp. Cavanilles 1797 heather
2 spp.
Trochocarpa sp.8 Brown 1810 heather
Monotoca sp.6 Brown 1810 heather
Ericipites crassiexinus6 Harris 1972 heather
Epacridaceae (T-type)
Ericipites scabratus6 Harris 1965 heather
Epacridaceae (T-type)
cf. Ericipites scabratus6 Harris 1965 heather
Richea "procera-type"6 Brown 1810 heather
Richea sp. Brown 1810 heather
cf. Stephanocolpites oblatus6
Unknown angiosperm
 Alismatales - Potamogetonaceae
Potamogeton sp. Linnaeus 1753 pondweed
 Malvales - Thymelaeaceae
Pimelea sp.6 Banks and Gaertner 1878
 Sapindales - Sapindaceae
aff. Dodonaea sphaerica6 soapberry
Dodonaea "viscosa-type" Miller 1758 soapberry
 Sapindales - Rutaceae
Rutaceae indet.6 de Jussieu 1789 citrus
 Fagales - Casuarinaceae
 Fagales -
Nothofagidites brachyspinulosa6
Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagidites emarcidus6
Nothofagus brassi
Nothofagidites asperus6 Cookson 1958
Nothofagus cunninghamii
 Fagales - Nothofagaceae
 Rosales - Rhamnaceae
Rhamnaceae indet.6 Jussieu 1789 buckthorn
Pomaderris "apetala-type"6 Labillardière 1805 buckthorn
 Rosales - Rosaceae
Rubus nebuloides n. sp.8 Jordan 1997 bramble
 Fabales - Fabaceae
Oxylobium pungens n. sp.8 Jordan 1997 legume
Acacia sp.6 Miller 1758 wattle
Acacia bulbosa n. sp.8 Jordan 1997 wattle
 Malpighiales - Picrodendraceae
 Malpighiales - Euphorbiaceae
Beyeria "type" Miquel 1844 spurge
 Oxalidales - Cunoniaceae
Eucryphia sp.6 Cavanilles 1798
Similar to the extant E. moorei, E. lucida and E. milliganii
Anodopetalum sp.6 Cunningham and Endlicher 1839
Eucryphia - Anodopetalum
 Gunnerales - Gunneraceae
Gunnera sp. Linnaeus
 Gunnerales -
Tricolpites simatus6
Unknown angiosperm
Tricolpites reticulata6 Cookson 1947
 Proteales - Proteaceae
aff. Banksieaeidites elongatus6
Banksia marginata
Proteacidites spp.6 Cookson and Couper 1953
Proteacidites obscurus6 Cookson 1950
Banksia "marginata type" Linnaeus 1782
Banksia "Dryandra type" Linnaeus 1782
Orites sp.6 Brown 1810
Grevillea sp.8 Brown and Knight 1809
Hakea sp.
cf. Lomatia sp. Brown 1810
Persoonia sp.8 Smith 1798 geebung
cf. Persoonia sp. Smith 1798 geebung
 Santalales - Loranthaceae
Gothanipollis bassensis6 Stover 1973 mistletoe
Unknown angiosperm
 Caryophyllales - Polygonaceae
Muehlenbeckia sp.8 Meisner 1841 knotweed
 Caryophyllales - Chenopodiaceae
Chenopodiaceae indet. Ventenant 1799
 Caryophyllales - Caryophyllaceae
Stellaria sp. Linnaeus 1753 carnation
 Escalloniales - Escalloniaceae
Anopterus sp.8 Labillardière 1805
Quintinia sp.6 Candolle 1830
Quintinia tasmanensis n. sp.8 Jordan 1997
 Apiales - Apiaceae
Apiaceae indet. Lindley 1836
cf. Dichosciadium sp.6 Domin 1908
cf. Oreomyrrhis sp.6 Endlicher 1839
 Asterales - Asteraceae
Asteraceae indet.8 Berchtold and Presl 1820 daisy
Asteraceae "Liguliflorae" Berchtold and Presl 1820 daisy
Asteraceae "Tubuliflorae" Berchtold and Presl 1820 daisy
cf. Senecio sp. Linnaeus 1753 groundsel
Cassinia "arcuata-type" Brown 1817 daisy
Tubulifloridites pleistocenicus6 Martin 1973 daisy
Tubulifloridites antipodica6 Cookson 1947 daisy
 Asterales - Stylidiaceae
cf. Donatia sp. Forster and Forster 1775
 Asterales - Menyanthaceae
Liparophyllum sp. Hooker 1847
 Lamiales - Scrophulariaceae
Scrophulariaceae indet. de Jussieu 1789 figwort
 Lamiales - Plantaginaceae
Plantago sp.6 Linnaeus 1753 plantain
 Gentianales - Rubiaceae
Coprosma sp. Forster and Forster 1775 coffee
Palaeocoprosmadites zelandiae6 Pocknall 1982 coffee
Nertera sp. Banks et al. 1788 coffee
Galium "type" Linnaeus 1753 bedstraw
2 spp.
 Dilleniales - Dilleniaceae
Hibbertia sp.8 Andrews 1800
 Saxifragales - Haloragaceae
Gonocarpus sp. Thunberg 1783 water milfoil
Myriophyllum sp. Linnaeus 1753 water milfoil
Haloragodendron sp. Orchard 1975 water milfoil
 Buxales -
 Poales - Restionaceae
Milfordia hypolaenoides6
 Poales - Poaceae
Poaceae indet. Barnhart 1895 grass
Graminidites media6 Cookson 1947 bamboo
 Poales - Cyperaceae
Cyperaceae indet.6 Jussieu 1789 sedge
Cyperaceae (Lepidosperma-type)
 Mesangiosperms - Liliaceae
Liliaceae indet. Jussieu 1789
 Asparagales - Asteliaceae
Astelia sp. Banks et al. 1810
Milligania sp. Hooker 1853
 Laurales - Lauraceae
Laurophyllum australum n. sp.8 Jordan 1997 laurel
 Laurales - Atherospermataceae
Haloragacidites amolosus6
Polyporina chenopodiaceoides6
Chenopodiaceae - Amaranthaceae
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Podosporites erugatus6 podocarp
Microstrobos niphophilus
Podosporites microsaccatus6 Dettmann 1963 podocarp
Dacrycarpidites australiensis6 Cookson and Pike 1953 podocarp
Podocarpus sp.6 L'Heritier and Persoon 1807 podocarp
Lagarostrobos franklinii6 Quinn 1982 podocarp
RPU-190, RPU-111
Dacrycarpus carpenterii n. sp.7 Jordan 1995 podocarp
aff. Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
Podocarpidites spp.6 Cookson 1947 podocarp
Phyllocladus paleogenicus6 podocarp
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius6 Hooker 1845 podocarp
Phyllocladidites mawsonii6 Cookson 1947 podocarp
Lagarostrobos franklinii
 Coniferales - Cupressaceae
Cupressaceae indet. Gray 1822 cypress
Diselma sp.6 Hooker 1857 cypress
Callitris strahanensis n. sp.7 Jordan 1995 cypress
aff. Callitris macleayana
Athrotaxis sp.6 Don 1839 cypress
Athrotaxis selaginoides6 Don 1838 King William pine
Athrotaxis cupressoides6 Don 1838 Tasmanian pencil pine
Athrotaxis cf. laxifolia5 Don 1841 summit cedar
  - Gleicheniaceae
 Polypodiales - Polypodiidae
 Cyatheales - Polypodiidae
cf. Cyathea paleospora6 scaly tree fern
Cyathea sp. Smith 1793 scaly tree fern
  - Blechnaceae
  - Dicksoniaceae
  - Polypodiaceae
Laevigatosporites ovatus6 Wilson and Webster 1946
Monolete fern spores
Microsorum sp. Link 1833
Foveotriletes lacunosus6 Partridge 1973
Lycopodium varium
Matonisporites ornamentalis6 Partridge 1973
Dickisonia antarctica
 Lycopodiales - Lycopodiaceae
Lycopodium fastigatum6 ground pine
Lycopodium laterale6 ground pine
Lycopodium scariosum6 ground pine
Lycopodium spp. Linnaeus 1753 ground pine
4 spp.
 Selaginellales -
Densoisporites sp.6 Dettmann 1963 clubmoss