Where: Tasmania, Australia (42.2° S, 145.3° E)
• Paleocoordinates: 42.7° S, 145.5° E (Wright 2013)
• coordinate stated in text
When: Early/Lower Pleistocene to Early/Lower Pleistocene (2.6 - 0.1 Ma)
• The Regatta Point fossils are contained within transported blocks of sediment which have been dated by palynological correlation as Early or possibly Middle Pleistocene (Macphail et al. 1993). Dated as Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene by Hill and Macphail, 1985; Wells & Hill, 1989.
Environment/lithology: lacustrine; gray mudstone and poorly lithified, fine-grained sandstone
•The fine-grained nature of the sediment matrix indicates distal deposition in a low-energy environment such as a lake, river estuary or a shallow inland harbour such as the one existing there today (Wells & Hill, 1989).
•The mudstone blocks are composed of quartz grains, black organic fragments,
•whole plant structures and cream-coloured mud flakes all dispersed through a dark brown-grey mudstone matrix (Wells & Hill, 1989). Macrofossils from Jordan, 1997 were extracted from mudstone, siltstone and sandstone clasts within the gravels.
Size classes: macrofossils, microfossils
Preservation: adpression, original sporopollenin
Collection methods: bulk, chemical, hydroflouric, sieve
• Repository: Department of Plant Science at the University of Tasmania.
•pollen count min. 400 identifiable pollen and spores (Jordan et al., 1995).
Primary reference: G. J. Jordan, M. K. Macphail, R. Barnes and R. S. Hill. 1995. An Early to Middle Pleistocene Flora of Subalpine Affinities in Lowland Western Tasmania. Australian Journal of Botany 43(2):231-242 [C. Jaramillo/C. Jaramillo]more details
Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis
PaleoDB collection 166707: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Andrés Cárdenas on 22.02.2015, edited by Carlos Jaramillo
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
Angiospermae | |
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Dicotyledoneae | |
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Myrtaceae indet., Myrtaciphyllum pleistocenicum n. sp.8, Leptospermum sp.8, Baeckea "ramosissima-type"6, Baeckea cf. gunniana, Eucalyptus sp.
Myrtaceae indet. de Jussieu 1789 myrtle
Baeckea cf. gunniana myrtle
Eucalyptus sp. L'Héritier de Brutelle 1789 eucalyptus | |
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Symplocos sp. Jacquin 1760 sweetleaf | |
Epacris spp., Trochocarpa sp.8, cf. Cyathodes juniperina8, Monotoca sp.6, Ericipites crassiexinus6, Ericipites scabratus6, cf. Ericipites scabratus6, Richea "procera-type"6, Richea sp.
Richea sp. Brown 1810 heather | |
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Angiospermae | |
Potamogeton sp. Linnaeus 1753 pondweed | |
Pimelea sp.6 Banks and Gaertner 1878 | |
Dodonaea "viscosa-type" Miller 1758 soapberry | |
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Casuarinaceae indet., Allocasuarina cf. verticillata8, Casuarina sensu lato sp.6, Casuarina cainozoica6, Casuarina harrisii6
Casuarinaceae indet. Brown 1814
Casuarina sensu lato sp.6 Linnaeus 1759 | |
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Nothofagus gunnii Oersted 1873 | |
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Rubus nebuloides n. sp.8
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Acacia cf. melanoxylon wattle | |
Beyeria "type" Miquel 1844 spurge | |
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Gunnera sp. Linnaeus | |
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aff. Banksieaeidites elongatus6, Proteacidites spp.6, Proteacidites obscurus6, Banksia "marginata type", Banksia "Dryandra type", Telopea truncata6, Hakea aff. lissosperma6, Orites sp.6, Orites milliganii, Orites revoluta, Cenarrhenes nitida8, Grevillea sp.8, Agastachys odorata6, cf. Lomatia sp., Persoonia sp.8, cf. Persoonia sp.
Banksia "marginata type" Linnaeus 1782
Banksia "Dryandra type" Linnaeus 1782
Orites sp.6 Brown 1810
cf. Lomatia sp. Brown 1810
cf. Persoonia sp. Smith 1798 geebung | |
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Chenopodiaceae indet. Ventenant 1799 | |
Stellaria sp. Linnaeus 1753 carnation | |
Anopterus sp.8 Labillardière 1805
Quintinia sp.6 Candolle 1830
Quintinia tasmanensis n. sp.8 Jordan 1997 | |
Apiaceae indet. Lindley 1836 | |
Asteraceae indet.8, Asteraceae "Liguliflorae", Asteraceae "Tubuliflorae", cf. Senecio sp., Cassinia "arcuata-type", Tubulifloridites pleistocenicus6, Tubulifloridites antipodica6
Asteraceae "Liguliflorae" Berchtold and Presl 1820 daisy
Asteraceae "Tubuliflorae" Berchtold and Presl 1820 daisy
cf. Senecio sp. Linnaeus 1753 groundsel
Cassinia "arcuata-type" Brown 1817 daisy | |
cf. Donatia sp. Forster and Forster 1775 | |
Liparophyllum sp. Hooker 1847 | |
Scrophulariaceae indet. de Jussieu 1789 figwort | |
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Coprosma sp. Forster and Forster 1775 coffee
Nertera sp. Banks et al. 1788 coffee | |
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Gonocarpus sp. Thunberg 1783 water milfoil
Myriophyllum sp. Linnaeus 1753 water milfoil
Haloragodendron sp. Orchard 1975 water milfoil | |
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Restionaceae indet. Brown 1810 | |
Poaceae indet. Barnhart 1895 grass | |
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Liliaceae indet. Jussieu 1789 | |
Laurophyllum australum n. sp.8
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Magnoliopsida | |
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Podosporites erugatus6, Podosporites microsaccatus6, Dacrycarpidites australiensis6, Podocarpus sp.6, Podocarpus lawrencii6, Lagarostrobos franklinii6, Dacrycarpus carpenterii n. sp.7, Podocarpidites spp.6, Phyllocladus paleogenicus6, Phyllocladus aspleniifolius6, Microcachrys tetragona7, Phyllocladidites mawsonii6
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Cupressaceae indet., Diselma sp.6, Diselma archeri, Callitris strahanensis n. sp.7, Athrotaxis sp.6, Athrotaxis selaginoides6, Athrotaxis cupressoides6, Athrotaxis cf. laxifolia5
Cupressaceae indet. Gray 1822 cypress
Diselma archeri cypress | |
Polypodiopsida | |
Cyathea sp. Smith 1793 scaly tree fern | |
Blechnaceae indet. Copeland | |
Microsorum sp. Link 1833 | |
Lycopsida | |
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Pteridopsida | |
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Lycopodiopsida | |
Lycopodium deuterodensum6, Lycopodium fastigatum6, Lycopodium laterale6, Lycopodium scariosum6, Lycopodium spp.
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Bryopsida | |