White River (Uinta C) (Eocene of the United States)

Where: Uintah County, Utah (40.2° N, 109.9° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 47.4° N, 90.0° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on political unit

When: Myton Member (Uinta Formation), Uintan (46.2 - 39.7 Ma)

Environment/lithology: terrestrial

Primary reference: W. Granger. 1908. A revision of the American Eocene horses. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 24(15):221-264 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Marcot]more details

PaleoDB collection 16657: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 21.09.1998, edited by Roger Benson and Terri Cleary

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• most likely either equivalent to Kennedy's Hole or actually from Uinta B2
 Testudines - Trionychidae
"Amyda crassa n. sp." = Trionyx aequa3
"Amyda crassa n. sp." = Trionyx aequa3 Hay 1908 softshell turtle
AMNH 3887, holotype partial carapace collected by the AMNH expedition of 1895, in the upper beds, "horizon C," of the Uinta deposits, in the region along White River, Utah.
 Squamata - Anguidae
Glyptosaurus sp.2 Marsh 1871 squamates
CM 3405, greater part of parietal with other skull and lower jaw fragments; collected by Peterson in 1912.
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Epihippus gracilis1 Marsh 1871 horse
 Perissodactyla -
"Isectolophus annectens" = Isectolophus annectens4, "Isectolophus scotti n. sp." = Isectolophus annectens4
"Isectolophus annectens" = Isectolophus annectens4 Scott and Osborn 1887 odd-toed ungulate
Wagon Hound Canyon on White River, Uintah Co., in Uinta C
"Isectolophus scotti n. sp." = Isectolophus annectens4 Scott and Osborn 1887 odd-toed ungulate
type is from "Near base of Uinta C" on White River, Uintah Co.