Fault (Eocene of the United States)

Also known as B-1; Big Sandy; UW V-570001

Where: Sublette County, Wyoming (42.7° N, 110.1° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 50.2° N, 86.4° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on political unit

When: Bridger Formation, Bridgerian (50.3 - 46.2 Ma)

Environment/lithology: terrestrial

Primary reference: R. M. West. 1973. Geology and mammalian paleontology of the New Fork-Big Sandy area, Sublette County, Wyoming. Fieldiana: Geology 29 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy]more details

PaleoDB collection 16219: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 18.02.1993

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• due to errors and omissions in their list, I am unsure if the following "Bridger, Big Sandy" records of Black and Sutton 1984 pertain to Fault: Paramys excavatus Leptotomus parvus "Ischyrotomus oweni"
 Tribosphenida - Peradectidae
Peradectes chesteri3 Gazin 1952 marsupial
b: includes one "innominatum" specimen
 Tribosphenida - Herpetotheriidae
Herpetotherium cf. marsupium1 Troxell 1923 marsupial
Herpetotherium knighti4 McGrew et al. 1959 marsupial
"Copedelphys innominata" = Herpetotherium innominatum3 Simpson 1928 marsupial
 Condylarthra - Hyopsodontidae
Hyopsodus minusculus Leidy 1873 condylarth
this or H. paulus includes "Microsus sp.": Stucky 1998
Hyopsodus paulus Leidy 1870 condylarth
 Soricomorpha - Geolabididae
"Didelphodus altidens" = Centetodon altidens Marsh 1872 placental
Marsholestes cf. dasypelix1 Matthew 1909 placental
 Soricomorpha - Nyctitheriidae
Nyctitheriidae indet.1 Simpson 1928 placental
"Scenopagus priscus" = Nyctitherium priscum Marsh 1872 placental
 Tribosphenida -
Creotarsinae indet. Hay 1930 placental
 Ferae - Viverravidae
Viverravus sp. Marsh 1872 placental
Viverravus gracilis Marsh 1872 placental
 Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae
Sinopa rapax2 Leidy 1871 creodont
 Perissodactyla -
Tapiroidea indet. Gill 1872 odd-toed ungulate
 Perissodactyla - Hyrachyidae
Hyrachyus modestus Leidy 1870 odd-toed ungulate
 Perissodactyla - Brontotheriidae
Palaeosyops fontinalis Cope 1873 brontothere
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Orohippus cf. pumilus Marsh 1871 horse
includes "Helohyus cf. plicodon": Stucky 1994 (pers. comm. 5.4.94)
 Artiodactyla - Homacodontidae
Antiacodon pygmaeus Cope 1872 even-toed ungulate
Antiacodon venustus6 Marsh 1872 even-toed ungulate
two of 16 "A. pygmaeus" specimens of West
 Primates - Notharctidae
Notharctus sp.1 Leidy 1870 primate
Smilodectes gracilis Marsh 1871 primate
 Primates - Microsyopidae
Microsyops elegans Marsh 1871 primate
 Primates - Omomyidae
Washakius insignis Leidy 1873 tarsier
Omomys carteri Leidy 1869 tarsier
Anaptomorphus westi5 Szalay 1976 tarsier
 Rodentia - Sciuravidae
Sciuravus nitidus Marsh 1871 rodent
Taxymys lucaris Marsh 1872 rodent
 Rodentia - Reithroparamyidae
 Rodentia - Paramyidae
Paramyidae indet.1 Miller and Gidley 1918 rodent
 Rodentia - Ischyromyidae
Microparamys sp. Wood 1959 rodent
Microparamys minutus Wilson 1937 rodent
"Acritoparamys wyomingensis" = Paramys wyomingensis1 Wood 1959 rodent
Paramys delicatus Leidy 1871 rodent
 Cimolesta - Apatemyidae
Apatemys bellulus Marsh 1872 eutherian
Scenopagus edenensis
Scenopagus edenensis McGrew et al. 1959