Black's Fork (Eocene of the United States)

Where: Uinta County, Wyoming (41.2° N, 110.5° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 48.8° N, 87.4° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on political unit

When: lower Member (Bridger Formation), Bridgerian (50.3 - 46.2 Ma)

Environment/lithology: terrestrial

Primary reference: C. L. Gazin. 1976. Mammalian Faunal Zones of the Bridger Middle Eocene. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology 26:1-25 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Marcot]more details

PaleoDB collection 16136: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 15.05.2002, edited by Roger Benson, Terri Cleary and Evangelos Vlachos

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Tribosphenida - Pantolestoidae
Pantolestes longicaudus n. sp. Cope 1872 placental
 Ferae -
Miacis parvivorus n. sp. Cope 1872 placental
from Pinnacle Rock according to Wang and Tedford 1994
 Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae
Sinopa rapax6 Leidy 1871 creodont
 Perissodactyla - Hyrachyidae
Hyrachyus modestus9 Leidy 1870 odd-toed ungulate
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Orohippus pumilus4 Marsh 1871 horse
 Artiodactyla - Homacodontidae
Antiacodon pygmaeus8 Cope 1872 even-toed ungulate
Bridger B "East of Black's Fork Bridge"
Microsus cuspidatus n. sp. Leidy 1870 even-toed ungulate
 Primates - Notharctidae
"Notharctus tenebrosus n. sp." = Notharctus tenebrosus, "Tomitherium rostratum n. gen. n. sp." = Notharctus tenebrosus1
"Notharctus tenebrosus n. sp." = Notharctus tenebrosus Leidy 1870 primate
from Bridger B; type of "Tomitherium rostratum" also is from Black's Fork: Granger and Gregory 1917, Gazin 1958a
"Tomitherium rostratum n. gen. n. sp." = Notharctus tenebrosus1 Leidy 1870 primate
 Primates - Omomyidae
Washakius insignis2 Leidy 1873 tarsier
Bridger B
Anaptomorphus aemulus2 Cope 1872 tarsier
 Squamata -
Saniwa ensidens3 Leidy 1870 squamates
USNM 4128, 12 dorsal vertebrae and numerous fragments
 Testudines - Trionychidae
Axestemys byssinus n. gen. n. sp.7
Axestemys byssinus n. gen. n. sp.7 Cope 1872 softshell turtle
Holotype USNM 4089, xiphiplastron, cervical vertebra, isolated ilium, several fragmentary appendicular elements
 Testudines -
Emys latilabiatus n. sp.1 Cope 1871 turtle
Scenopagus edenensis
Scenopagus edenensis5 McGrew et al. 1959
lower Bridger