Where: La Guajira, Colombia (12.0° N, 71.3° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 12.7° N, 65.7° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate based on unpublished field data
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: middle Jimol Member (Jimol Formation), Burdigalian (20.4 - 16.0 Ma)
• STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS: From the Jimol Formation, which conformably overlies the Uipta Formation (early Miocene) and is unconformably overlain by the Castilletes Formation. This area and nearby collections have been previously mapped as Castilletes Formaton (late Pliocene-early Pleistocene). AGE: Burdigalian, on the basis of macrofaunal composition; direct age established by extrapolation of Sr-isotope dating by enterer. STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: From 117 m below the Jimol/Castilletes contact.
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: coastal; unlithified siltstone
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Preservation: original aragonite, original calcite
Collected by Hendy in 2014
Collection methods: surface (float), surface (in situ),
• COLLECTOR: A. Hendy, 01/20/2014. REPOSITORY: Presently reposited at FLMNH, Gainesville.
Primary reference: A. J. W. Hendy, D. S. Jones, F. Moreno, V. Zapata, and C. Jaramillo. 2015. Neogene molluscs, shallow marine paleoenvironments, and chronostratigraphy of the Guajira Peninsula, Colombia. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 134(1):45-75 [A. Hendy/A. Hendy/A. Hendy]more details
Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis
PaleoDB collection 156356: authorized by Austin Hendy, entered by Austin Hendy on 19.05.2014
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
Bivalvia | |
Anadara (Tosarca) veatchi Olsson 1922 ark | |
Argopecten sp. Monterosato 1889 calico scallop | |
Crassostrea sp. Sacco 1897 oyster
Dendostrea sp. Swainson 1835 oyster | |
Glyptoactis paraguanensis Hodson 1931 clam | |
Caryocorbula fortis Jung 1965 clam | |
Dallocardia sanctidavidis, "Apiocardia sp." = Trigoniocardia (Apiocardia)
Dallocardia sanctidavidis cockle
"Apiocardia sp." = Trigoniocardia (Apiocardia) Olsson 1961 cockle | |
Semele sp. Schumacher 1817 clam | |
Tagelus sp. Gray 1847 clam
Solecurtus sp. Blainville 1824 clam | |
"Cyclinella venezuelana" = Cyclinella cyclica, Pitar sp., Gouldia sp., Macrocallista cf. maculata, "Ventricolaria palmerae" = Ventricolaria harrisiana, Lirophora quirosensis
"Cyclinella venezuelana" = Cyclinella cyclica Guppy 1866 venus clam
Pitar sp. Römer 1857 venus clam
Gouldia sp. Adams 1847 venus clam
Macrocallista cf. maculata Linnaeus 1758 venus clam
"Ventricolaria palmerae" = Ventricolaria harrisiana Olsson 1922 venus clam
Lirophora quirosensis Hodson 1927 venus clam | |
Chama quirosana Hodson 1927 jewel box | |
Gastropoda | |
Modulus tamanensis Maury 1925 snail | |
Turritella matarucana Hodson 1926 turret shell
Turritella cocoditana Hodson 1926 turret shell | |
Ficus carbasea Guppy 1866 fig shell | |
Melongena consors Sowerby 1850 snail | |
Bivetiella gabbiana Pilsbry and Johnson 1917 snail | |
Vokesimurex sp. Petuch 1994 murex snail | |
Prunum quirosense Hodson 1927 margin shell | |
Olivella sp. Swainson 1831 olive snail | |
Polystira sp. Woodring 1928 turrid | |
Conus talis Jung 1965 cone shell | |
Strioterebrum cf. ulloa Olsson 1932 auger snail | |
"Knefastia lavinoides" = Knefastia limonensis
"Knefastia lavinoides" = Knefastia limonensis Olsson 1922 ribbed mitre | |
Turbinella falconensis Hodson 1931 snail | |
Polinices nelsoni moon snail
Naticarius sp. Dumeril 1806 moon snail | |
Crucibulum (Dispotaea) sp. Say 1824 slipper shell
Crepidula plana Say 1822 slipper shell |