Light Gray Riffskalk, Thörl, Lake Wolayer, Carnic Alps (Devonian of Austria)
Where: Styrian, Austria (47.5° N, 15.2° E)
• Paleocoordinates: 19.5° S, 18.3° E (Wright 2013)
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Grau Riffkalk Formation, Pragian (410.8 - 407.6 Ma)
• formation-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; limestone
• From Belka & Narkiewicz 2008: Shallow-water realm yeilds a facies transect from intertidal deposits (algal laminites and amphiporoid packstones/floatstones) to thick detrital carbonates (bioclastic grainstones) with small coral/stromatoporoid buildups.
• Light gray reef limestone
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Primary reference: F. Frech. 1894. Über das Devon der Ostaplen III. Die Fauna der unterdevonischen Riffkalke I. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologisches Gesellshäfte 46:446-479 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 154376: authorized by Pete Wagner, entered by Pete Wagner on 18.02.2014
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
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Tergomya | |
? Palaeoscurria capuliformis n. sp.
? Palaeoscurria capuliformis n. sp. Spitz 1907 | |
Gastropoda | |
"Cyclonema persimile" = Australonema persimile
"Cyclonema persimile" = Australonema persimile Spitz 1907 snail | |
"Horiostoma tubiger n. sp." = Semitubina spinosa
"Horiostoma tubiger n. sp." = Semitubina spinosa Quenstedt 1852 snail | |
"Trochus pressulus" = Streptotrochus pressulus, "Macrocheilos hermitei" = Elasmonema hermitei
"Trochus pressulus" = Streptotrochus pressulus Tschernischeff 1885 snail Trochus n. sp. pressulus alpina
"Macrocheilos hermitei" = Elasmonema hermitei Munier-Chalmas 1876 snail | |
"Trochus annae n. sp." = Pseudotectus annae
"Trochus annae n. sp." = Pseudotectus annae Frech 1894 snail | |
"Euomphalus carnicus n. sp." = Omphalocirrus carnicus
"Euomphalus carnicus n. sp." = Omphalocirrus carnicus Frech 1894 snail | |
"Bellerophon (Tropidocyclus) telescopus n. sp." = Collina telescopus, "? Bellerophon (Sphaerocyclus) altemontanus n. sp." = Collina altemontanus, "Bellerophon hintzei n. sp." = Sphaerocyclus hintzei, "Bellerophon (Sphaerocyclus) angustomphalus n. sp." = Sphaerocyclus angustomphalus, "Bellerophon (Sphaerocyclus) iners n. sp." = Sphaerocyclus iners
"Bellerophon (Tropidocyclus) telescopus n. sp." = Collina telescopus Frech 1894 snail
"? Bellerophon (Sphaerocyclus) altemontanus n. sp." = Collina altemontanus Spitz 1907 snail
"Bellerophon hintzei n. sp." = Sphaerocyclus hintzei Frech 1894 snail
"Bellerophon (Sphaerocyclus) angustomphalus n. sp." = Sphaerocyclus angustomphalus Spitz 1907 snail
"Bellerophon (Sphaerocyclus) iners n. sp." = Sphaerocyclus iners Spitz 1907 snail | |
"Tremanotus insectus n. sp." = Goniotremus insectus
"Tremanotus insectus n. sp." = Goniotremus insectus Frech 1894 snail | |
"Macrocheilos fusiforme n. sp." = Decorochilina frechi
"Macrocheilos fusiforme n. sp." = Decorochilina frechi Spitz 1907 snail | |
"? Loxonema enantiomorphum n. sp." = Katoptychia enantiomorpha
"? Loxonema enantiomorphum n. sp." = Katoptychia enantiomorpha Frech 1894 snail | |
"Murchisonia lebescontei n. sp." = Coelocaulus lebescontei
"Murchisonia lebescontei n. sp." = Coelocaulus lebescontei Oehlert and Oehlert 1888 snail | |
Craniata | |
Philhedra epigonus n. sp.
Philhedra epigonus n. sp. |