Sainte Néboule (Eocene of France)

Also known as Ste Neboule, Sainte-Neboule, Ste-Neboule

Where: Quercy, Midi-Pyrenees Region, France (44.6° N, 1.9° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 38.6° N, 6.5° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: La Débruge level zone, Priabonian (38.0 - 33.9 Ma)

• European Mammal Zone ('Niveau Repère') based on rodents. The karst is located within limestones that are Late Bathonian in age.

Environment/lithology: karst; unlithified, sideritic claystone and phosphorite

• lateritic clay with limonitic pisolithes

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: B. Geze. 1978. La poche a Phosphate de Ste-Neboule (Lot) et sa faune de vertebres du Ludien Superieur. 1. La poche et son remplissage. Paleovertebrata 8(2-4):171-173 [E. Fara/E. Fara/J. Alroy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 12842: authorized by Emmanuel Fara, entered by Emmanuel Fara on 20.12.2001, edited by Philip Mannion and Terri Cleary

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• incomplete
 Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae
 Carnivora - Amphicyonidae
Cynodictis lacustris6 Gervais 1852 bear-dog
Type of Cynodictis lacustris neboulensis - SNB 430
 Artiodactyla - Tapirulidae
Tapirulus hyracinus13 Gervais 1850 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Cebochoeridae
Acotherulum (Acotherulum) saturninum13 Gervais 1850 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Dichobunidae
Dichobune leporina13 Cuvier 1822 even-toed ungulate
Mouillacitherium schlosseri n. sp.14 Sudre 1978 even-toed ungulate
BSP 1879 XV-138 - type
 Artiodactyla - Amphimerycidae
? Amphimeryx sp.14 Pictet 1853 even-toed ungulate
Amphimeryx cf. murinus13 Cuvier 1822 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Anoplotheriidae
Dacrytherium saturninii13 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Xiphodontidae
Xiphodon gracile14 Cuvier 1822 even-toed ungulate
SNB 681
Haplomeryx zitteli13 Schlosser 1886 even-toed ungulate
Dichodon frohnstettense14 von Meyer 1852 even-toed ungulate
 Perissodactyla - Palaeotheriidae
Palaeotherium medium11 Cuvier 1804 odd-toed ungulate
"Palaeotherium medium? perrealense"
Plagiolophus cf. annectens11 Owen 1847 odd-toed ungulate
 Soricomorpha - Nyctitheriidae
Saturninia beata12 Crochet 1974 placental
SNB 35
Saturninia gracilis12 Stehlin 1940 placental
 Rodentia - Ischyromyidae
Plesiarctomys sp.7 Bravard 1848 rodent
 Rodentia - Theridomyidae
Paradelomys aff. spaeleus7 Hartenberger 1973 rodent
Blainvillimys rotundidens7 Schlosser 1884 rodent
Patriotheridomys altus7 Vianey-Liaud 1974 rodent
 Primates - Adapidae
Adapis parisiensis13 Blainville 1841 primate
 Chiroptera - Rhinolophidae
Rhinolophus cf. priscus12 Revilliod 1920 horseshoe bat
SNB 95-98
 Chiroptera - Hipposideridae
Hipposideros schlosseri12 Revilliod 1917 roundleaf bat
Palaeophyllophora sp.12 Revilliod 1917 leaf-nosed bat
SNB 94
Palaeophyllophora oltina12 Delfortrie 1872 leaf-nosed bat
SNB 78-93
Palaeophyllophora quercyi12 Revilliod 1917 leaf-nosed bat
 Leptictida - Pseudorhyncocyonidae
Pseudorhyncocyon cayluxi12 Filhol 1892 eutherian
Leptictidium storchi8 Hooker 2013 eutherian
 Tribosphenida - Herpetotheriidae
Amphiperatherium sp.5 Filhol 1879 marsupial
Amphiperatherium minutum5 Aymard 1846 marsupial
Peratherium cuvieri5 Fisher 1829 marsupial
 Crocodylia -
Diplocynodon sp.4 Pomel 1847 crocodilian
 Squamata - Iguanidae
Geiseltaliellus lamandini2 Filhol 1877 squamates
incomplete left and right dentaries, not nec. same individual
 Squamata - Lacertidae
Plesiolacerta lydekkeri2 Hoffstetter 1942 squamates
one dorsal and one cervical vertebra, plus seven caudal vertebrae
 Squamata - Necrosauridae
Necrosaurus eucarinatus2 Kuhn 1940 squamates
UPS SNB 1014, two incomplete right maxillae
Necrosaurus cayluxi2 Filhol 1873 squamates
three incomplete right dentaries; two incomplete left dentaries; three incomplete right maxillae; MNHN SNB 1007, two incomplete left maxillae; SNB 1006, one parietal; SNB 1013, an ectopterygoid; SNB 1010/1011, numerous dorsal and caudal vertebrae; an axis; a few sacral and cervical vertebrae; MNHN SNB 1008, a few osteoderms; collection Mathis (MNHN), ten dorsal vertebrae, a cervical, eight caudals
 Squamata - Anguidae
Placosaurus sp.2 Gervais 1852 squamates
MNHN SNB 1004, thirty dorsal vertebrae; SNB 1005, eight caudal vertebrae; SNB 1003a-1003b, one hundred and fifty cephalic and body osteoderms
Anguini indet.2 Augé 2005 squamates
Helvetisaurus picteti2 Hoffstetter 1942 squamates
around ten dorsal vertebrae, some osteoderms, ?two palatines
 Squamata - Cordylidae
Pseudolacerta mucronata1 Filhol 1877 spinytail lizard
Pseudolacerta quercyini2 Augé 2005 spinytail lizard
two incomplete right dentaries, one incomplete left dentary
 Squamata - Tropidophiidae
Dunnophis cadurcensis10 Rage 1974 dwarf boa
Ten vertebrae
 Squamata - Boidae
Cadurcoboa insolita n. gen. n. sp.10, Cadurceryx sp.10
Cadurcoboa insolita n. gen. n. sp.10 Rage 1978 boa
Universite Paris VI SNB 1000 (holotype), one mid-trunk vertebra; approx. additional 180 vertebrae referred
Cadurceryx sp.10 Hoffstetter and Rage 1972 sand boa
If a second species exists of Cadurceryx (other than C. filholi), this is of the second species. - Rage 1978
 Squamata - Amphisbaenidae
Amphisbaenidae indet.2 Gray 1865 worm lizard
four dorsal vertebrae, two left dentaries
 Squamata - Blanidae
Blanidae indet.3 Kearney 2003 worm lizard
MNHN SNB 1034, posterior part of right dentary; SNB 1035, one incomplete left dentary; SNB 1036, two incomplete left dentaries; SNB 1037, eight trunk vertebrae
 Squamata - Gekkonidae
Cadurcogekko piveteaui2 Hoffstetter 1946 gecko
five dentaries, one maxilla