B4 Boulder bed, Broom Point South (Cambrian of Canada)

Where: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada (49.8° N, 57.9° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 6.8° N, 86.5° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Saukiella serotina trilobite zone, Broom Point Member (Green Point Formation), Trempealeauan (492.5 - 485.4 Ma)

• Local section is Broom Point South but meterage not reported in Fortey et al 1982; this bed is at 156.2 m in the section measured by James and Stevens 1986.

Environment/lithology: quartzose grainstone and mudstone

• Conglomerate deposited in slope environment (Green River Formation) but source of clasts further upslope).
• James and Stevens 1986, p. 127: "Conglomerate, 70% tabular clasts (average 2x10 cm, up to 5x20 cm) composed of equal parts grainstone (quartzose) and mudstone; 30% equant clasts..."

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by R. A. Fortey, D. Skevington; reposited in the ROM

Collection methods: bulk,

Primary reference: R. A. Fortey, E. Landing, and D. Skevington. 1982. Cambrian-Ordovician boundary sections in the Cow Head Group, western Newfoundland. In M. G. Bassett, W. T. Dean (eds.), The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary: sections, fossil distributions, and correlations. National Museum of Wales, Geological Series No. 3, Cardiff 95-129 [M. Hopkins/M. Hopkins/M. Hopkins]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 105858: authorized by Melanie Hopkins, entered by Melanie Hopkins on 26.02.2011

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

Jujuyaspsis sp.
pers. comm. from C. H. Kindle
Eutychaspis sp.
pers. comm. from C. H. Kindle
 Asaphida - Ptychaspididae
Idiomesus sp. Raymond 1924 trilobite
pers. comm. from C. H. Kindle
 Ptychopariida - Catillicephalidae
Theodenisia gibba trilobite
pers. comm. from C. H. Kindle
 Ptychopariida - Plethopeltidae
 Harpetida - Heterocaryonidae
Heterocaryon sp. Raymond 1937 trilobite
pers. comm. from C. H. Kindle