USGS 7895-Craig Co., Oklahoma (Carboniferous of the United States)

Where: Craig County, Oklahoma (37.0° N, 95.2° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 6.9° S, 30.9° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Cherokee Shale Formation, Desmoinesian (312.8 - 306.0 Ma)

• ls 40 feet from top

Environment/lithology: black limestone

• "a dark gray to black very fossiliferous limestone overlying coal in an old strip pit"

Reposited in the USGS

Primary reference: J. Williams, W. G. Pierce, and W. H. Courtier. 1937. Pennsylvanian Invertebrate Faunas of Southeastern Kansas. In W. G.Pierce, W. H.Courtier (eds.), Geology and Coal Resources of the Southeastern Kansas Coal Field in Crawford, Cherokee, and Labette Counties 24:92-122 [M. Patzkowsky/M. Patzkowsky/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 1040: authorized by Tom Olszewski, entered by Tom Olszewski on 10.03.1999

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Carditida - Astartidae
Astartella concentrica Conrad 1842 clam
 Productida -
Desmoinesia muricatina Norwood and Pratten 1855
 Strophomenida - Chonetidae
"Mesolobus mesolobus" = Chonetes mesoloba, "Mesolobus euampygus" = Mesolobus mesolobus euampygus
"Mesolobus mesolobus" = Chonetes mesoloba Norwood and Pratten 1855
"Mesolobus euampygus" = Mesolobus mesolobus euampygus Girty 1912
 Rhynchonellida - Wellerellidae
Wellerella sp. Dunbar and Condra 1932
 Athyridida - Athyrididae
 Stauriida - Lophophyllidae
"Lophophyllum profundum" = Lophophyllidium profundum
"Lophophyllum profundum" = Lophophyllidium profundum Milne-Edward and Haime 1851 horn coral